View Full Version : The Afterlife, going to the light and the.... UFO reincarnation trap???

2nd December 2012, 05:59 PM
Hello all, I am new to the forum and very interested in practicing and learning astral projection after a life long interest into paranormal phenomena, personal search for God and recently several spontaneous out-of-body projections. I am beginning to delve into aspects of what happens when we "die" and before we if we choose to or have a choice to reincarnate again. I have read a lot of amazing things and there was one supposed fact/theory/idea that puts a wrench into my idea(s) around entering into harmony of the higher planes after living a life of inner peace, happiness, and goodwill and that is a UFO/ Gnostic Archon theory i read that describes the 'light at the end of the tunnel' and spirits that take on the persona of loved ones of yours is a trap by these Archons to get you into the light and trick you in reentering the reincarnation process to be essentially food for the 'Gods' once again here on Earth.

How does this corroborate or not corroborate with your experiences of what happens when we die Robert as on the surface in theory I only consider this idea (which could simply be a neg lie) an idea as I really won't believe in something as 'thought' does reality :) .

Robert Bruce
30th December 2012, 10:31 AM
I do not think the theory you mention is accurate. It only survives as a theory because it is very difficult to prove or disprove.

I have extensive experience with the death process, and the afterlife process, and while there are many amazing things and variations, I have never encountered any kind of trap as you describe.

I suggest you put this out of your mind and continue with your exploration.

These two articles might help...

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3815607/PDFs/The%20Afterlife%20Experience%20NEW%20DAWN%20ARTICL E.zip

