View Full Version : Loopholes in your book Evolution

23rd November 2012, 04:38 PM

I would like to point out some loopholes in your book evolution:

1)No specific guidelines for the practices described for clairvoyance,manifestation etc i.e.
a)No of times to be performed during the day,
b)Recommended time to be allotted per day(must for reasonable development)
c)Where to practice
d)Posture if any
e)How many months to practice even for a complete novice minimum to get the powers absolutely surely!!!!Beyond which the reader if practised diligently still fails to get results can move to another method

2)Clairvoyance,sentinence etc clair powers exercise how much time to be spent on each of the powers practice separately?

3)Regarding love,how much time would a person have to spend on the visualization exercises nd for how many days or months minimum to get results?Same question goes for affirmations(?time nd duration)

These questions are very important to be answered because we buy books expecting that we would get the stuff written in the book to work..but vague descriptions retard our progress nd the authors benefit by selling the books while we get bananas.So its important that we ask these questions if we are failing nd even if we r ready or not for these exercises given our daily schedule is performed duly.

So I would ask you to comment on the questions I have asked as it would help the forum members and buyers of the book a lot!!These questions separate delusions and reality of psychic training.So we need to know them:confused::mrgreen:

Robert Bruce
24th November 2012, 04:27 AM
First, I would like to again point out that the ebook in question is not written in my normal detailed style. This is an exercise in communication with a style that provides a quick glimpse of many things. It is designed for people who are just dipping their toes into the waters relating to some very deep subjects. Oftentimes, too much information drives people away, or kills their brains, so nothing is learned. The ebook attempts to give just enough information to encourage people to look further and deeper into topics of interest. Each of the topics raised in this book deserve a full book to provide the details required to be an actual workbook. This is not a workbook, like I did with Mastering Astral Projection, which is very specific about practices, times, etcetera. However, I will endeavor to answer your questions in the points below.

1. How these things are applied and practiced is up to the user. They are designed to be open to interpretation, depending on how users want to do things and what free time is available. We give these practices to try out. Pick the ones you like and do them more often.

A. This depends on how much time you have free, and what kind of life you lead. Some people today are very time deprived, and some have lots of time free. I always recommend one hour per day minimum for reasonable progress. And I also recommend that exercises be done throughout the day, making good use of waiting time, travel time, etc. It all adds up.

B. One hour per day of practice for reasonable progress. Two hours is better, or more.

C. Practice wherever you like, at home, in your bedroom, in your car, at the beach...this depends on what you have available. Make good use of what you have to work with.

D. This depends on what you have to work with. If you are into Yoga, then sit cross-legged with a straight back. If not, use a chair. If you have spinal problems or similar health issues, use a bed.

E. This is a difficult question to answer, as there are soooo many variables to consider. This includes whether or not a person will put in regular practice, how much effort is put into this, preexisting training, natural abilities, life circumstances, mental and physical health, psychological balance, and a hundred other things. Generally, however, a total novice putting in daily practice with reasonable effort will begin to experience results within a couple of months. Mastery, however, is a lifetimes work. Everyone can do this if they work at it. For example, i have taught people clairvoyance and how to see auras etc, and in some cases major results are obtained in just a few days. Some people spend months or even years practicing with little result. However, if examined, those with poor results are found to have life and personality and health problems that greatly increase the difficulty. For example, some people struggle greatly with trying to relax and clear their minds, and many give up before they get any real results, before moving onto the seemingly more interesting exercises. The foundations are mega important: the abilities to relax and clear the mind of thought words, to relax the body, to focus the mind, to carry out energy work, etc.

Many people will try a practice only a few times before moving on to something else. And in the long term, even after years of trying, they get nowhere, because they have missed out on completing basic training.

2. This depends, again, on how much time is available, and how much practice has been done. A novice might need to spend say 15 minutes on an exercise to get any result. Someone with more practice, or more natural ability, can accomplish this in a couple of minutes. If I said, for example, to visualize/imagine a pink pyramid and hold this image, and then to rotate it several times, that would take some people seconds to do. Other people might struggle for hours and get no results. The mind/brain is like a muscle...you have to work it out and then it will grow stronger.

3. Again, this depends on the dedication of persons and time available. And also on the belief system, mental blocks, experience, etc. I have had miracle results from a student working very hard in just a few days. Others take a couple of years to manifest something. If this was easy, everyone would be doing it. Manifestation, like many other things, is a Catch 22. I will not work unless your belief systems allow it to work, and this ability can only come from direct personal experience with successful manifestation. So the only way to get success at this is to manifest small things repeatedly, and give your beliefs time to catch up. I know many people who have thrown themselves into this for several months and then given up because results did not happen. then, another year or so later, everything they had been working on had manifested. So a bit of stick to it ness is involved. I manifest things all the time, and they often arrive in minutes or hours. Bigger things take longer, of course.

The above also applies to clairvoyance. Keep in mind that 'everyone' has perfect psychic abilities. The higher self holds all the keys. So its a matter of convincing your higher self to allow psychic abilities (accidents, drugs, and natural abilities and spontaneous stuff aside). Energy work, meditation, and affirmations, are the way to convince higher self to allow psychic abilities. Practice also helps greatly. Keep in mind that the higher self is very very wise. It will allow psychic abilities and clairvoyance and etc only when it is sure you can handle it. By default all chakras are shielded from psychic perceptions and influences, which in turn shields out psychic abilities. Being psychic or clairvoyant is a two edged sword. When you become psychic, you also become exposed to psychic impressions and influences. So care is needed, and experience with shielding, etc. Most people think it would be lovely to be clairvoyant and psychic, to see spirits and etc. But what if you can't turn it off? We have a name for that...schizophrenia. Again, the higher self is mega wise.

You can overcome and work around a lack of psychic abilities, through energy work, affirmations, and practices. But you need to be very careful here as this can really screw persons up. I have seen this time and time again. EG, someone gains psychic abilities, immediately starts practicing with them a lot, offering services to others for psychic readings etc, and after a time they develop 'issues' and or have a breakdown. my Golden Rule works. "If anything gets too strong, painful, worrying, stop and take a break until you feel completely normal again, whether this is a day or a year, and then go back to your practices." This can be related to how if you burn out your muscles working out every day you will eventually create health problems. Taking breaks at the right time gives your body mind time to heal and grow stronger and better able to meet the new demands being placed on it.



I would like to point out some loopholes in your book evolution:

1)No specific guidelines for the practices described for clairvoyance,manifestation etc i.e.
a)No of times to be performed during the day,
b)Recommended time to be allotted per day(must for reasonable development)
c)Where to practice
d)Posture if any
e)How many months to practice even for a complete novice minimum to get the powers absolutely surely!!!!Beyond which the reader if practised diligently still fails to get results can move to another method

2)Clairvoyance,sentinence etc clair powers exercise how much time to be spent on each of the powers practice separately?

3)Regarding love,how much time would a person have to spend on the visualization exercises nd for how many days or months minimum to get results?Same question goes for affirmations(?time nd duration)

These questions are very important to be answered because we buy books expecting that we would get the stuff written in the book to work..but vague descriptions retard our progress nd the authors benefit by selling the books while we get bananas.So its important that we ask these questions if we are failing nd even if we r ready or not for these exercises given our daily schedule is performed duly.

So I would ask you to comment on the questions I have asked as it would help the forum members and buyers of the book a lot!!These questions separate delusions and reality of psychic training.So we need to know them:confused::mrgreen: