View Full Version : John Magnus - Book(s)

18th November 2012, 01:01 AM
I use a grade from 0 - 10 (10 is the best/highest).

Astral Projection And The Nature Of Reality, John Magnus Johansson, 2005

GRADE: 7.0

The book contains Magnus ideas on the astral realm, his astral experiences and several projection
techniques. The most prominent matter is how to AP and how to OBE. Magnus provides a lot of various
methods for accomplishing a successful AP/OBE. The book also contains methods for dealing with some
other astral, psychic or mental issues. Magnus does not always state what you should expect to achieve
from his method or the success rate of using his method. Sometimes I even felt it was a little unclear
what the outcome was and how Magnus could ensure that his stated methods would give any result at all.

Perhaps the book contains things that the author will re-evaluate and change ten years later from the
creation of the book?

The book relies on discoveries from other authorities in the AP field (Monroe, R Bruce, Moen, Buhlman,
R Peterson, etc). But Magnus also has several reflections of his own, be they not as revolutionary.
Magnus gives a rather good description of the hypnagogic and hypnopompic states and how they
might aid in APing, and the book also provides some AP methods related to these states. I couldn't
figure out if Magnus was influenced by others, like Raduga, or if Magnus has made his hypnagogic
method discovery himself. I think that some deeper work on the both "hyp-state" techniques might
have resulted in an even better book.

I have already read several other books in this area and that makes the book seem quite ordinary,
which may be the reason I didn't give it a higher grade. Magnus gave a few interesting examples of
his own experiences, one example was when he suddenly became aware in his projected astral self
while having talked for a very long time with one of his guides.