View Full Version : Patricia Leva - Book(s)

18th November 2012, 12:58 AM
I use a grade from 0 - 10 (10 is the best/highest).

Traveling the Interstate of Consciousness - A Driver's Instruction Manual - Using Hemi-Sync to Access States of Non-Ordinary Reality, 1998, Patricia Leva

GRADE: 5.0

The title of the book promises a lot. Sadly enough it isn't a step-by-step instruction manual. Large parts
of the book are fairly fuzzy and were hard for me to grasp. Patricia Leva is a TMI Trainer and I feel that
I could have expected more from her with that background.

If you like anything related to Monroe or Monroe style stuff, this might be a book for you as there are
some gold nuggets here and there. But the book as a total didn't give me much. Having read half of
Patricia Leva's book I also felt that I should have given Bruce Moen's first book a slightly higher grade
as Moen's book is very clear compared to Patricia Leva's book.

It might be good to know in advance, that the Monroe concept; the Interstate, is a part of the astral,
which seems to connect and act as a bridge between the various Focus Level states. Exactly how
Monroe perceived the Interstate is still a mystery for me. :)

Patricia Leva writes in a kind of fragmented style, with some valuable pieces here and there. She mixes
Monroe stuff with Carlos Castaneda, Star Trek and Klingon stuff. I didn't really feel that it was all glued
together. Patricia Leva sometimes displays a diagram or picture on some pages in the book, but quite
often those pictures make no sense to me or I am having the greatest difficulties getting something out
of her pictures and diagrams. Leva also mixes various things like human brain development, quantum
physics and the various Monroe Focus Levels in a way I've already read somewhere else before or in a
way which doesn't give me anything new.

Leva is referring to books by other authors and she has a decent list of literature references at the end
of her book, which might be food for thought if I ever were to go for something to read.

If you really are into Monroe matter or like reading something slightly vague, but with perhaps interesting references, this might be the book for you. I bought it, because I wanted to read about the mythical
Focus 11, Focus 18 and Focus 42 & 49, but no such things existed in this book, so I had gotten something
wrong somewhere as I thought Leva's book would give me a better overview on the Focus Levels, but this
was not the case.

As an AP/OBE driver's instruction manual, the book will not work.