View Full Version : 9/11 Precognitive dream

9th November 2012, 05:40 AM
Hello Mr Bruce,

If you don't mind me explaining the background and I do apologize if its drawn out. Basically I want to know if this is something I can ultimately control?

It was about a month or two before the 9/11 event I had a dream where I was sitting around a living room, who's I can't recall nor could I recall the people I was amongst at the time in this particular dream. Basically we were all gathered around the tv completely captivated by what was unfolding. Now the view I had was maybe from an outer perspective of the room or I may of been in a body of one off the people I was with.

I woke up the next morning and it remained extremely vivid in my mind and normally my dreams are forgotten or 'seemingly' pointless. I didn't think much of it but it stuck with me...

On the morning of Sept 11th it was a night time in Australia, I was out at the clubs partying and this and that. All of a sudden literally half the club stopped to view the big screen. We all witnessed immense flames on the jumbo screen. No disrespect but at the time I dismissed whatever was going on and continued back to the dance floor.

Not long after we left the clubs and headed home, well actually back to my neighbors house and gathered around the tv flicked it on and what we heard and saw was completely unbelievable. What all of a sudden became remarkable to me was this overwhelming feeling of déjÃ♥ vu. It didn't take a second before I was recounting my dream and what or who was passing on this information of hindsight, albeit I hadn't the faintest idea of the final outcome.

My dreams are normally played out quickly but this isn't the first time I've had a premonition. The other was quiet silly and irrelevant but I can explain if their is any interest in what I have mentioned.

Sincerely and with humble respect!

Robert Bruce
5th December 2012, 03:44 AM
Yes, it does appear that you had a precog dream concerning 9 /11

When there is to be great loss of life, this creates a powerful energy that many people will pick up on before the event. Sometimes a very long time before an event...months or even many years.
