View Full Version : The vacum feeling...

7th November 2012, 07:32 AM
Hi Robert Bruce.

I want to ask you about a vacum feeling...I did start to feel this very young, infact as an infant, the first memory of this vacum feeling is when I am 8 months age, I am lying in my lath-bed, it is night, summer night and it is bright like day time, mother is looking out of the window and me looking at her, when she looks at me, I lift my shoulders up like a sighn to her to lift me up, she understands my want but she say, no, you try to sleep I am here with you...I do understand her, but I am dissapointed for not getting her nearness, but I do not cry or anything, I feel a very deep understanding and accptance...Then the next vacum feeling as I remember is when I am at 1 year 4 months age...and so on...and in 1980-81 when the big beating happened to me, then this vacum feeling did occur in great amount and this I mean long period so I wount forget it, and during this time I was getting much informtion about our undestructable core and so on...

My question is...is this vacum a higher self sighn, or higher realms approach to my core??


Robert Bruce
5th December 2012, 03:38 AM
If, by 'vacuum feeling' you mean "a very deep understanding and acceptance" then yes, this may be your higher self manifesting.


5th December 2012, 09:47 AM
If, by 'vacuum feeling' you mean "a very deep understanding and acceptance" then yes, this may be your higher self manifesting.

robertYes it is exactly deep understanding and acceptance. Thank you Robert.
It is happening rather more precisly pinpointing direction for me now, I have resisted this very long time, yes my whole life exactly, but I am accepting and surrending and admitting me being wrong about angeles, I did understand dogmas in wrong way that also angeles do not exist...I have a bible I like very much it is small red covered with standing 2000 on the covers, I have put book slippers so I can find better in the bible if I want to read some book or part, suddenly this bible did dissapere, I did really serch everywhere and asking whom I have visitid if I have forgotten my bible there, and no-one have seen it, then a very strong feeling started to arise from my inner, about getting Tarot cards and I ended up to order Doreen Virtues Angels therapy Oracle-card´s and my son is visiting me and guess what, yes my son did find my bible, and the story about my son I have tried to tell that I did get him as a gift so I am able to cope and stay in this incarnation, I have tried to leave it but I have got what I have needed to get by and through and my son has helped me so much to take responsibillity, so off course it must be my son who found the bible, and I do not know more in this writing moment than that I take this angels path and I might be one angel too because my son did say all the time when he was little, my mother is an angel, so I accept this too, I hope I do not bragg or take too much in my mouth when now accepting more. Thank you for letting me ramble.


Robert Bruce
30th December 2012, 10:34 AM
Angels do exist, but they are poorly understood today.

I have encountered many angels in my travels and they are very real.
