View Full Version : Any decent clairvoyance exercise? Not affirmations or energy work.

28th October 2012, 07:58 PM
Is there any decent clairvoyance exercise? Not affirmations or energy work.

Robert Bruce
2nd November 2012, 01:14 AM
Viewing Auras is great exercise for this.

The body image work in in the thread below this is also excellent.


2nd November 2012, 02:55 AM
Dear Sir...

Done third eye relation with specific brain structures, through reliable feeding ¿can we increase strength of organic counterpart and correlatively strength of third eye?

¿What foods satisfy better feeding requirements oriented to such strength enhancement?

¿What structural organic anomalies undermines third eye strength? (i.e.: calcium deposits, cholesterol, atheromatous plaque, etc.)

Thank you very much about your advice,

Robert Bruce
3rd November 2012, 04:48 PM
The third eye is associated with visual processes, and is connected with the sight center of the brain at the back of the head.

A generally healthy body is helpful, but i do not know of any specific vitamins and minerals that would be helpful.

Keeping the nasal passages clean by slowly sniffing water up the nose (carefully) until it starts to trickle down the back of the throat, and then blowing into the sink...a few times, will help improve clairvoyance. Any dirt or mucus near the area of a chakra will interfere with its functioning.
