View Full Version : Advice in which hobbies i have to ditch/avoid to not attract negs

27th October 2012, 08:29 AM
I am sorry to be bothering you will huge topics again i only do this because these ones are the most important to me and the most complex stuff and so far i don't see anyone else that can advice me better on this than you thanks to your experience, also in this one you don't have to write much i think, it's most to say what i should avoid or not, because the topic about the sexual desire was just one of the major types of hobbies i have. Besides after this topic the rest of the doubts i have are mostly small things which wouldn't be needed huge descriptions like this.

Ok, keep in mind i haven't forgot all the advices you gaved me, and i am following most of them, i am doing affirmations and the core affirmations, skin blemishes marking, banishments, i am learning and practising the LBRP, etc. Oh by the way the mental banishing on the sexual toughts/urges SEEMS to be working, even tough i still had a wet dream a few days after (but as always i never felt the classic signals of succubus/incubus attacks), but at least the sexual urges are more rare now and i am able to "dissolve" them when they appear even tough sometimes it takes 3-4 times to actually dissolve them.

BUT there's something else i have considerable doubts, so far you advised me to the core image and banishment on sexual urges related to fetishes, but there is one more major thing i need advice :

This time i just need advice in what kind of hobbies i like that i have to ditch/stop liking, because the sexual desires is only one of the main kind of hobbyes/tastes i have, i have three others, I JUST need you to confirm me what exactly i need to "ditch" and apply core image and banishment and that you suspect that might be feeding negs AND specially worsening the negative glamor :

tv shows : the ones i like more is sci fi tvshows like star trek or space related (non violent), xfiles (note that i do NOT enjoy the alien/et part of the show i don't have any fascination for that part of the show) and similar tvshows (without gore or strong horror stuff since that DOES bother me, xfiles isn't too much strong on that), wrestling shows (wwe, even tough i like it more for the entretaining part rather than by the wrestling itself), japanese animes (mainly dragon ball z but i also like others not about fighting), cartoons, and even some soap operas specially those with people with psychic abiltiies (there is a few ones like that). Now how do i know if watching things like this on tv REALLY brings anything negative to me, should i stop watching only those focusing directly on violence (like wrestling, that i have stopped watching immediatly as soon as i found this thing about negs, about this i have no doubt) and it's therefore safe to watch those that aren't specificy about gratuit violence even tough EVERY tvshow by itself always have some degree of minor violence or psychological violence ? For example i hope i don't have to stop watching every tvshow where there is sometimes some argument between angry people, that would be a bit extreme (even tough i used to fast forward those scenes). Unless EVERYTHING on tv is negative and i have to "ditch" every single tvshow at all ? Oh by the way i AM aware of that thing of being in "trance" when watching tv so lately i have been carefull about this and being more alert and "present" when watching tv shows and in what i choose to watch specially after what you adviced. Also when i watch tv shows with some violence it's never the violence itself i like, it's mostly the entertainment side, like special effects/super powers, comedy, emotional scenes (not those depressing ones, unless it's about "positive" negative feelings), etc

computer games : in the past i used to like a lot survival horror games (BUT horror movies or violent movies on tv always bothered me a lot but not in videogames) mainly first person shooters, and also games like grand theft auto (which i presume... are the favourite of negs?). I also like a lot video games in which we have to destroy and blow up stuff (i presume i have to avoid those too?). BUT i also like games that aren't much focused in violence, like adventure role playing games which of course most of them there is some fighting envolved but not always too violent. Let me guess... all this attracts negs as well and i have to ditch everything too ? Even those adventure/role playing games in which we have to fight BUT the game's aren't about gratuit violence itself and have a "positive aproach" to avoid violence? There is some of the games i play in which it's about being a hero and not resorting to violence to solve everything, even tough he have to use some minor violence to defeat the enemies, i hope i don't have to avoid such games too!

sad, mystical, or sacred classical music/orquestral music : in most musics i like, the ones that i really like are those sad ones or played on "minor" key, on classical music i like the most is barroque and classic epoch, specially when played on bayan accordion or orquestra, also i like such music a LOT more if it has choir (specially children choir) and if it's sad sacred music, regarding non-classical music i like all the following whimsycal/mystical/fantasy/fairy tales/some nursery rhymes/celestial, also music related to halloween stuff, also music of the kind of heared in harry potter, danny elfman music, addams family, organ music, music representing ancient/arcaic themes (like musics written about mystical places like atlantis, lemuria, shamgrila, agarta, those are usually the strongest on me too). Sometimes i feel strong pleasant emotions on these kind of musics, and significant energy sensations on my body like tingling waves on my scalp and back, even tough it's mostly with sad music played on minor keys, it's a kind of "happy sad" feelings, for example, when we cry of joy or have tears on our eyes when hearing something very beautiful. In terms of negs feeding, is it safe to hear this kind of music even if i feel "pleasant" sad feelings? Sometimes i feel very strange emotions that can probably be described like bliss or mystical feelings and i enjoy them of course, and sometimes i would like so much to be able to explore those emotions in astral projections because they feel so mystical... Also note that i highly dislike ANY rock, heavy metal or even normal commercial music, i even have some degree of avertion/repulsion to all that kind of music in a general way, i almost exclusively like orquestral/classical music.

I think that's all, those are the main types of hobbies, oh by the way i think i already said before that i have obssessive/compulsive disorder, therefore almost EVERYTHING i like has some degree of obssession regarding it, but i guess that can be solved with the core image and banishment BUT still i need to know what i actually need to start avoiding and not feeding, the things about gratuit violence i think it's kinda obvious, tough.

Anyway, i hope you don't advice me to avoid EVERYTHING i like (yes i know that most of them are for sure influence of the negs but common, it can't be EVERYTHING that bad there most me some positive hobbies in the middle of all this), even those that only have minor violence on it, because it's impossible to completly avoid that in a violent world like this! Besides even if i would stop ALL hobbies i have, i still see a lot of negativity around me, by seeing constantly angry people in the place i live, in fact i NEVER knew a single person that wasn't angry at some time, if what you say is true, that anger is caused by negs influence then EVERYONE in the place i live is partially possessed since no one here has much patience (i even asked some friends about this, and they also all say they never seen anyone which would never get angry), but i am sure this doesn't only happen in my country probably it's like this everywhere. And worse of this, my own family have a LOT of anger issues, mainly my mother and oncle (boss) (which unfortunately i am forced to live with on a daily basis and it's not possible to get away from them for obvious reasons).

Robert Bruce
3rd November 2012, 04:29 PM
I would not give up any of your hobbies. You need these...for relaxation, for enjoyment, and as coping mechanisms.

Use your own discernment on what is suitable content for you and what is not.

Btw, you might like to take a look at the following links, concerning the use of nutrition for treating OCD and etc, especially the first link....scroll down a page or so to find the relevant material.

Nutritional Cure for psychological disorders, with niacin, etc




3rd November 2012, 04:55 PM
Jeez... i knew it, in fact deep down i was already suspecting that the hobbies probably wouldn't be a problem it's just that with such negativity around me and getting constantly yelled at i was fearing this COULD be caused or magnified by the negativity i see on tv (even tough it's fictional), but i wasn't expecting that even the horror tvshows/videogames IS actually harmless as well in terms of attracting negs, to me it seemed logical that it was the negs who were making me like these things, and also after i heared studies in which people playing violent videogames DO actually get more "primed" to violence i was even more suspecting of this problem, even tough i haven't found much of that happening on me, and all the hobbies i have, even when about violence they never make me have any negative emotions at all, i presume then that this the signal that they are harmless.

Also i will check the links as well.

Thank you so much for all this, i am glad you have a section like this on a forum of this kind!