View Full Version : Nightmare: followed by Batteries

24th October 2012, 06:16 AM
I was in an apartment at night; there were no curtains over the windows & I felt exposed. A strange noise, like a sort of scraping, finally scared me to the extent that I opened the door onto the corridor outside, & went in search of the sound. It seemed to follow me, however - then I noticed 2 small, rather oval "batteries" that were keeping pace with me, moving along the bottom of the corridor & making the odd sound as they rubbed against the wall. I picked them up, feeling rather foolish, as I recognised them as the missing batteries from the TV remote control. But when I checked the remot inside, there was only obne battery missing. For some reason this terrified me, & I awoke shivering with fear. Bizarre!:roll:

26th October 2012, 02:46 PM
Last night I saw my dream car reverse itself up a hill. I wondered if it had seen something dangerous. I got in and saw a huge clown peek out a side street, but downhill. He seemed dangerous and scary, I didn't want to look him in the face - just get away. So glad my car foresaw this! ;) (Actually I have an idea who the "huge clown" is - somebody looking for arguments over "silly" things.)

So, dreams can be pretty bizarre! :D

30th October 2012, 08:26 AM
Wow! What a dream. I enjoyed your dream. It was a really very horrible dream.

2nd November 2012, 09:45 AM
Hello, sono2.

You had two batteries following you, and you had one in the remote. You expected to have only two, but had three. Sounds like "excess of energy" to me.

Batteries are "energy that you carry around with you" - in this case the energy even follows you around. You hope it's energy with a clear use (like in the remote) but finding a battery in your remote might say "you lack useful/purposeful energy" while the batteries following you might be "energy you don't want to attract," maybe even - pardon the pun - "from remote" meaning from outside.

5th November 2012, 08:41 AM
Hi, thanks for the responses.. . .I had to laugh, Korpo as my car has also done things on its own in my dreams (wish it could in "real" life) & has even followed me like a horse. . . but for the first time ever (!?) I don't agree with your interpretation - that I have "too much energy". I am fairly energetic until about 3pm, when my mind begins to slip, I forget words, my thoughts feel as if they are slipping sideways, my limbs "turn to water" & even breathing is too much effort. I fall asleep the moment I lie down (anywhere!). This is all related to having such frequent Hemiplegic Migraine attacks, & the meds I have to take daily to control it. I love hiking but can't go very far nowadays (ie no more than about 10 kms) as any strong exercise makes me feel as if I'm about to leave the body (permanently!) So. . . .maybe not too much? :-) When I do grounding, I feel rooted to the spot, as if I have turned into a tree!

But maybe there is indeed some energy that I do not want to attract; a sort of well-meaning neg, it seems to be?

7th November 2012, 05:50 PM
I didn't say physical energy - energy is not only fuel in my mind.

Energy is information, your own thoughts and emotions and those of others, be they in your vicinity or "remote." There's nothing but energy, and it is in my opinion more useful to think about "What kind of energy?", "What kind of information?" or "What kind of consciousness?" than thinking of energy as something separate from anything else. Consciousness is energy. Energy is information. A feeling is a touchable reality from a certain focus of reality, as is a thought or a chair or the idea of all chairs refined to its essence. All of these experiences exist, as they are energetic realities.

I cannot answer your question, as I reject the notion of "neg" altogether. Not in the sense of "Do they exist?" or "Don't they exist?" but in the sense of "Is this even the right question?". I don't think the concept as understood and meant by most is aligned very much with reality. It's just a conceptual idea too limited to be really useful - again, in my opinion.

What I wanted to say originally is that there are two concepts in the dream - "useful energy" and "unwanted energy." Useful energy is represented by the battery in the remote, where the energy is being "put to use." And there indeed you come up short (half of what you need "to operate" (the remote)), which mirrors the sentiment you just described. And then there's matters of unwanted attention and energy being sent your way (or following you around) - and there seems to be too much, which seems to scare you.

In total the whole dream reads - again in my opinion - like a status report of your current situation.

8th November 2012, 06:08 AM
I didn't say physical energy - energy is not only fuel in my mind.

Energy is information, your own thoughts and emotions and those of others, be they in your vicinity or "remote." There's nothing but energy, and it is in my opinion more useful to think about "What kind of energy?", "What kind of information?" or "What kind of consciousness?" than thinking of energy as something separate from anything else. Consciousness is energy. Energy is information. A feeling is a touchable reality from a certain focus of reality, as is a thought or a chair or the idea of all chairs refined to its essence. All of these experiences exist, as they are energetic realities.

I cannot answer your question, as I reject the notion of "neg" altogether. Not in the sense of "Do they exist?" or "Don't they exist?" but in the sense of I don't think the concept as understood and meant by most is aligned very much with reality. It's just a conceptual idea too limited to be really useful - again, in my opinion.

What I wanted to say originally is that there are two concepts in the dream - "useful energy" and "unwanted energy." Useful energy is represented by the battery in the remote, where the energy is being "put to use." And there indeed you come up short (half of what you need "to operate" (the remote)), which mirrors the sentiment you just described. And then there's matters of unwanted attention and energy being sent your way (or following you around) - and there seems to be too much, which seems to scare you.

In total the whole dream reads - again in my opinion - like a status report of your current situation.

Hi Korpo, thanks for taking the time to assess my dream in such detail. Of course you are right; I do understand what you mean (was actually being a little bit facetious about my daily lack of energy) I am so busy at present with work & also the possibility of NOT having any work from next year, that I am not very focused.

As regards "negs", I do find that "they" exist, but seem to be more in line with an egregore, something that we often accidentally create ourselves but which takes on a life of its own.

Your: "Is this even the right question?" sums the matter up very nicely.