View Full Version : Bike race to a high place + Animals in the park.

Neil Templar
23rd October 2012, 11:06 PM
I'm in some kind of race. We're all riding bicycles. Mine is a type of bike that used to be around when i was very young, say between 4 and 8 years old. Like a small Chopper. (for any of you who remember the old-skool choppers from the late 70's/early 80's)

I'm riding along a road, behind two others. I can't seem to catch up tho - my tyres seem to be deflating.
We're following this road as it twists and turns downhill. All the while, my tyres are getting flatter and flatter.
At the bottom if the hill, the road ends, and a gravel path runs up a steep hillside, around behind a large pillar, which is supporting some kind of constructed platform high above my head.

I see the rider in front of me ditch his bike. It's ME! Another me in front of me. When i look at what he's thrown to the ground, i no longer see a bike, but a small rectangular package of some kind. I pick it up, and discover it's a bunch of chopsticks.

I throw down my old bike, it's useless anyway.
I run up the gravel path, winding it's way up the steep hillside, until i reach the top, where i find what appears to be an open-air cafe of sorts. There are various platforms at different heights, and many people sitting or standing around, chatting or eating or drinking in the sunshine.

I start to move around the "cafe", chopsticks in hand. They feel like a weapon in my hands.
Suddenly, in my mind, i hear a message "No!".
I look ahead and see someone looking right at me, urging me to stop whatever i was intending to do with the chopsticks. He then directs my gaze over to the left, where i see a couple of alien beings talking with someone. I suddenly understand that they are powerful in this situation, and not to be trifled with.
then i start to notice others who seem to emanate the same energy of dangerous power.
I see Dan Ackroyd (yep, the ghostbusters actor), and know i can't let him see me.
Then i see another famous hollywood actor, who's name escapes me. He sees me, and starts to move towards me menacingly.

I feel i have no option but to escape as quickly as i can, so i fly directly up into the sky...

The scene disappears, and i find myself in familiar settings.

The park near my childhood home.
I am looking around, and the park seems bigger than usual.
Then a herd of zebra run across the grass in the distance.
I immediately know i can communicate with them, so i try.
"Hey! Zebra!!" i yell in my mind.
One of them stops running, and looks directly at me.
"Come over here. I'm not going to hurt you."
he trots over to me, and we bump noses together, then i pat him on the head and rub behind his ears as he makes pleased noises.
It feels like a meeting of old friends, and i know that i have the ability to communicate with ALL creatures in the same manner.

I head to a house next to the park, where i meet a bunch of friends and work colleagues.
the phone is ringing, but i have a bad feeling about it, so i say not to answer it.
We all go to the park, and i tell them what i did with the zebra.
They don't believe me, so i demonstrate. This time a small hyena comes over, and rolls on it's back, allowing me to rub it's belly and behind it's ears. It's very happy for the attention.
I tell everyone that they too can do this, if they only learn how to.

Back at the house again, and another phone call. This time i pick up, only to hear a disturbing voice on the other end. It is talking in a language i don't understand. The others are making a lot of noise in the room, and i start to get angry, telling them to shut it!
the voice on the phone changes to another language, and i feel that it's not something i should allow into my consciousness, so i hang up.

I wake up in my bed, and am concerned about this disturbing voice, so i decide to send healing energy out, to try to transmute it's dark energy to light. For it's sake, as much as mine.
i have no idea who or what it is, so the only course of action is to send healing to EVERYONE in the Universe. I start sending distant healing to every being that exists, no matter what form they may take.
Healing for ALL!

Then i wake up, in my bed, for real this time.
I send out healing to all, cos it feels like the right thing to do. :)

Neil Templar
25th October 2012, 02:29 PM
I'm in some kind of race. We're all riding bicycles. Mine is a type of bike that used to be around when i was very young, say between 4 and 8 years old. Like a small Chopper. (for any of you who remember the old-skool choppers from the late 70's/early 80's)

I'm riding along a road, behind two others. I can't seem to catch up tho - my tyres seem to be deflating.
We're following this road as it twists and turns downhill. All the while, my tyres are getting flatter and flatter.
At the bottom if the hill, the road ends, and a gravel path runs up a steep hillside, around behind a large pillar, which is supporting some kind of constructed platform high above my head.

I see the rider in front of me ditch his bike. It's ME! Another me in front of me. When i look at what he's thrown to the ground, i no longer see a bike, but a small rectangular package of some kind. I pick it up, and discover it's a bunch of chopsticks.

I throw down my old bike, it's useless anyway.

My bike usually symbolises my energy body/vehicle. In this instance i'd say it's referring to young me, of around the time that these types of bikes were popular (I didn't actually have one like this). Back then i wasn't very confident. Very shy.
At school i was always the last finished my work. Not because i couldn't do it, but because i spent most of my time daydreaming or doodling instead of doing the work. I got pretty high marks usually. On sports day, i always came last. Not because i was a slow runner, but because i didn't care about winning. In fact i always resented being made to race the other kids.
Basically, i didn't have a competitive bone in my body.

In this section of the dream, i am behind the others, and my tyres are getting flatter - same old situation, and the symbolism is telling me that this mode isn't working.
Then the other-me in front, demonstrates exactly what it's time to do - discard that old bike, i clearly can't rely on it, and take responsibility for my own forward movement. Onwards and upwards!

This seems to correlate with what's happening right now in my life - my djing career-wise, i'm moving into a state of being equal to my peers in a world where i've always been lagging a little behind. (due to my own lack of motivation/competitiveness)
Now i'm finding myself in a position to achieve goals that i truly never believed i'd ever have a chance at, and realising that i'm equally as talented as those i once put on a pedestal...

26th October 2012, 02:18 PM
Hello, Neil.

Lack of competitiveness is not unusual for certain soul ages. There's a shift from competition towards cooperation. Competitiveness is usually not the answer, as long as your protecting your needs enough to not be trampled on.

So, what would motivate you? What gives you bliss?

The bicycles and different Neils here could point to different energy bodies - aspects of personality. When the cycle disappears and the package appears I would expect an energy information package. Usually the information in there needs some time for taking in (maybe that's why the chopsticks?) and digesting before its contents can be absorbed by your mind. Shortly afterward you find yourself in a restaurant. ;)

The multitude of levels and the ascending hill could denote a plane. The restaurant at the top of the hill seems to suggest the astral plane, though some perception filters seem to be still in place - the place up there should be an ashram, though you see the scene entirely different. Maybe your astral body is currently out of alignment, something which would explain the "flat tires" on your vehicle of consciousness. "Not in a good condition for going somewhere."

Flying into the sky and the scene shift might suggest a shift to the mental plane. It seems to come with a change of sensation, feelings towards your environment and attitude, all of which could denote a switch of energy body. This seems to go rather well. Your affinity for animals is mirrored here by seeing other entities as animals - showing your trust and goodwill towards them, maybe.

How you see beings out of body is either a reflection of what they are, or how you feel about them. If the original scene in the restaurant was at the top of the astral plane, some attitudes in yourself might have been in play.

The shift back might denote interference in the astral body limiting your access to the mental plane. The interference is represented as the unwanted/garbled phone call, which seems to indicate unprocessed emotion (which is also present in the way you feel about it) and also in the nature of the phone call itself, which could be understood as problems in the download process (the communication chain from highest energy body to lowest). The whole phone episode reminds me of "M-Band noise" as described by Monroe. When the astral elemental is aligned, you find it much less distracting and irritating.

The astral elementals needs heart-to-heart connection to others. Processing your experience with true friends provides this, optimally people who can hear and see you as you are with little need to pretend.

28th October 2012, 08:08 AM
Hi Neil,

Zebra Totemhttp://www.shamanicjourney.com/article/6062/zebra-power-animal-symbol-of-individuality-balance
Hyena Totem http://www.linsdomain.com/totems/pages/hyena.htm
Spotted Hyena http://www.wildspeak.com/totems/spottedhyena.html

I start to move around the "cafe", chopsticks in hand. They feel like a weapon in my hands.
Suddenly, in my mind, i hear a message "No!".

Perhaps the dream is warning that something that can be used as a tool for sustenance should not be used combatively.

I look ahead and see someone looking right at me, urging me to stop whatever i was intending to do with the chopsticks. He then directs my gaze over to the left, where i see a couple of alien beings talking with someone. I suddenly understand that they are powerful in this situation, and not to be trifled with.

I wonder what is feeling alien in your world right now or if you simply had no translation for spiritual beings that may have been quite different to you - more advanced and powerful.