View Full Version : when to stop trying to reach astral body rather than mental.

21st October 2012, 09:11 PM
Robert , Forgive me as I have posted experiences of my OBE s from before and after reading Astral Dynamics. I treat your book as a (bible)
After many soul searching questions I then started reading Kurt Leyland. His journeys seem to start from a dream but are very detailed.You will know that he mentions you .
My question is because I have many experiences during the night and upon wakening (but recently not from self enduced OBE's ) since trying to find out more about me, could it be that at some stage you don't need to use your etheric or astral body but can percieve with your mental body. Go straight there in other words.
My problem I'm having is when an OBE starts you know it's real.
When you have such vivid dreams to remember , when can you start believing.
I have many experiences but am not one of the many well read experts who post threads.

Robert Bruce
24th October 2012, 04:20 PM
Dreaming and lucid dreaming are functions of the mental body, in my opinion.

You can perceive the astral/mental planes while you are still awake, during meditation and presleep. You will 'see' into these areas and have visions. It is then possible to just 'shift' into those areas. This is just another way of projecting.

This has become my primary way of shifting into astral/mental planes and afterlife realms.

For all that, I also still do OBE the old fashioned way.

As for believing...that's a tough one as you are the only one holding yourself back. Do not try to fit your experiences to any model. Take what you have before you and work with that.

Try to work with the intelligence behind your experiences. It is always there. Make commands, do affirmations, ask for help. There are many different types of OBE experience, and different ways of achieving these. They are all real.


28th October 2012, 04:55 PM
This has become my primary way of shifting into astral/mental planes and afterlife realms.

Is this the new mental projection method?

Robert Bruce
2nd November 2012, 01:33 AM
I discuss this in the Second Edition of Astral Dynamics.

It is difficult to tell the difference between astral projection and mental projection from within the experience.

Conscious mental projection will happen naturally at some point as you progress and evolve.

The Wake Induced Lucid Dream method in my books is actually a Mental Projection. This is actually easier to do than conscious astral projection.
