View Full Version : ego and mind

20th October 2012, 12:08 AM
Robert, hello again. I have a serious question. What is the relationship between our ego animal (brain) and mind (conscious, subconscious and memory), with respect to evolution. In other words, the mind is developed thanks to the brain? ...

Robert Bruce
20th October 2012, 03:25 PM
A big subject.

The ego is a part of the brain mind. It serves a purpose. It provides all the power. So the best approach is not to crush the ego but to bring it under the control of the will of the mind.

The physical brain and mind are intimately connected. Think of the brain as a transceiver for the mind. The brain is physical, the mind is nonphysical. The condition of the transceiver (the brain) is very important to existence as a physical being. Damage it and you damage how well the mind can manifest in the physical being.

to develop the mind the brain must also develop. it cannot be otherwise.


21st October 2012, 06:19 PM
Robert, thank you very much for responding. But really, my question is a little more complex and difficult to express, but I'll try. I have fully understood that the brain is a biological receptor of mind, but at the moment we are born with two components (brain and mind), how is the process of evolution? or in other words, it seems as if the spiritual evolution depended on the ability of the brain. And this seems very unfair, because people with less brain power or diseases in this case, could not evolve the spirit. Or what would happen if I hit my head and I lose the memory or I fail bioelectric brain capacity?

Robert Bruce
24th October 2012, 04:29 PM
Our evolution as a specie depends upon our physical mental evolution. The spirit is always perfect, no matter what the state or damage or disease of the living person. It may not be able to express itself very well, but it is always perfect.

Spiritual evolution is a matter of 'rediscovering' the potential of physical existence.

Fair or unfair does not really come into this equation. It is what it is....good or bad.

This is life and the journey of life is far more important than the destination.

It is more important to live every day, regardless of intellect or lack of it, than it is to become spiritually enlightened. Because spiritual enlightenment is just another destination.


25th October 2012, 01:27 AM