View Full Version : Bed Wetting

15th October 2012, 04:59 PM
Un till i was the age of 12 I wet the bed every single night. After reading about false awakenings in astral dynamics I now have a term for what happened every night. My parents and myself were so frustrated with this because we tried all the different methods to stop it from happening. No drinking 4 hours prior to sleep, going to the bathroom several times before bed, (my grandmother looked into a device to shock me when i started wetting). thankfully that did not go through. :| the only method that did work was for someone to set an alarm and wake me every hour to go to the bathroom which kept my bladder empty and stopped the bed wetting. This method affected my rest, not to mention the person having to get up to wake me. i would be so tired at school because of the many interruptions of my sleep. i would tell my parents that i got out of bed and went to the bathroom and when i started to go i would wake up in bed soaking wet. every night that dream happened.

a false awakening every night... anyone else have any experiences like this during child hood? When i turned 12 did i lose some kind of natural ability? I'm happy the wetting stopped but it seems like dreams are not so vivid as they once were, maybe this is common in development. its also a family trait in the males and we all generally stopped around 12. Any ideas as to how to go about this if my son has the same problem? (He is only 18 months right now, so we don't know if he has the issue).

15th October 2012, 07:30 PM
Any ideas as to how to go about this if my son has the same problem? (He is only 18 months right now, so we don't know if he has the issue).

you might want to ask you doctor about Familial Nocturnal Enuresis and look into prescription for Desmopression (oral synthetic version of the natural ADH (anti-diuretic-hormone) or TCA SNRI's like imipramine or amytriptyline.

you can also buy a bed wetting alarm (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bedwetting_alarm) to say informed of your son's condition to intervene with therapy if distressed.

15th October 2012, 08:14 PM
a false awakening every night... anyone else have any experiences like this during child hood? When i turned 12 did i lose some kind of natural ability? No, it seems you gained the ability to sleep. Don't think of it as a problem, think of it as a good thing.

Any ideas as to how to go about this if my son has the same problem? (He is only 18 months right now, so we don't know if he has the issue). I would say don't anticipate it. Expectation is not a good thing in this case, I have seen many parents install problems in their little ones that cause more problems when they get older.

DC gave some possible solutions, but remember, if there is a problem address it- don't expect it, and if it happens don't make a big deal of it. Buy chux pads and simply act as if you don't expect it to continue.

17th October 2012, 02:36 AM
your right CF, now i have uninterrupted sleep, more time for OBE's. :thumbsup: good advice aswell on the expectations. I'm learning to stay positive these days and that fits. DC if that day may come I'll start there. Thank y'all!

17th October 2012, 07:33 AM
No, it seems you gained the ability to sleep. Don't think of it as a problem, think of it as a good thing.

What is good in that??

17th October 2012, 02:30 PM
What is good in that?? False awakenings are horrible experiences, a signal that there is something wrong. You're supposed to sleep at night, your body needs deep sleep to grow and heal itself.
When you want to project, the trick is to learn to do it from the trance state- trying to do it from sleep paralysis is like hitting your foot with a hammer to get rid of a headache.
Even if it works, you don't want to do it often.

18th October 2012, 05:18 AM
Oh! Ya, I haven’t thought about that. You are absolutely right.