View Full Version : "This is War"

15th October 2012, 05:39 AM
I frequently seem to have mountainous terrain as a dream "scene" - in this dream, I was leading my family up a very steep mountain-side to a door which opened into the inner chamber of the mountain. We spent some time there looking at the view, then set off down again, but as I looked across the valley to another, flat-topped mountin, I noticed an enormous black "wave" of roiling water/smoke rushing over the mountain summit, & down the face. There was a thunderous noise & the earth shook, even though this was miles from us. I shouted to everyone to get back up to the chamber at the top of "our" mountain, which was very hard to do; I nearly fell & felt half inclined to just give up & let go. But we made it back to the chamber, & saw the black substance had dissipated.

We then sat down at a table in a restaurant, with glass walls & a marvellous view over the whole area. It was then I noticed a small (car-sized) black cloud/smoky substance, passing slowly in front the window, turn the sharp corner, & continue. This was not natural, so I jumped up & followed the movement of the cloud.

I then saw there was a small, blue humanoid sitting cross-legged in the centre of it; I sensed a negative "vibe", so I drew a Pentagram "at" him & said a conjuration, "Te vigos cosilim!" This seemed to infuriate the being, who resonded directly into my mind, 'This is WAR!"

I woke up disoriented. . . . .