View Full Version : the pain in my soul?

11th October 2012, 08:25 PM
A few days ago, my girlfriend left me, she told me, I do not feel ANYTHING for you. I always felt deep love for her, love her more than my own father, every day, I loved her more, I always gave her freedom, I still feel our love, but she did not. Now I feel empty, sad, I think about killing myself all the time (sorry about that). Many mornings, when I'm between asleep and awake, I can see her, and I feel that we hugged and everything feels very real, when I awake I feel really bad. What is this I feel? Is the pain I feel in my soul? :(

[Mod note: A copy of this thread is here: http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?14653-COPY-the-pain-in-my-soul if others would like to address it]

Robert Bruce
18th October 2012, 05:02 AM
Please listen to me very carefully.

What you are experiencing is a normal part of life. People come into our lives, we love and dance, and then they leave or we leave. Often, one is heartbroken. This is a part of life. You will grow from the pain.

It will help if you hug or touch or cuddle up with as many women as you can. This energy will feed the ache in your heart.

I also suggest that you put this woman out of your mind and move on. Go and see a good psychologist as they can be an enormous help at times like this.

Throw yourself into your work and interests and other relationships. Try different things. Challenge yourself.

Pain drives us inwards, which is it's purpose. It makes us think.

Use this and do not give in to it. You are stronger than this.

get through this and you will have grown. Then you will look back and see the wisdom in this experience and what it has taught you.
