View Full Version : Kundalini Energy or NEGS
23rd May 2006, 11:09 AM
l've asked Robert this question but it doesn't look like he answers many posts so l'm hoping you guys can help.
l'm reading the book on 'Psychic self-defence' and l'm not sure how to tell the difference between what is described as 'ADRENALIN RUSHES' or 'ENDORPHIN RUSHES' from Negs and Kundalini/shakti energy in my body.l've had flows of energy or shakti through my body for quite some time but l'm asking this because l have some kind of connection with a person with whom l'm identified in consciousness, and even in broad daylight l feel her presence [an overshadowing but not invasive and no bad experiences.Even brings a lot of peace].There is usually tremendous energy at the heart and head chakras [pinkish-white light] and she steps out or l feel her at the heart chakra mainly.The energy moves between these two chakras mostly and l also feel a strong electrical force/energy that stays with me for days sometimes in connection with her. l can sometimes see the energy swirling round the spinal axis like lines of light.Just like to know if you think this is a NEG thing or not.
Many thanks.
23rd May 2006, 12:56 PM
He answers his posts when he gets the chance to read them.
Not being an expert on this(only my own experience) take anything I say with a grain of salt- but when I have dealt with Negs there has been an unmistakeable bad feeling that comes with the experience: 'Bad' thoughts or thoughts incompatible with my character, and of course other more obvious manifestations. The feelings you describe seem positive- so if I was you I'd take them as a sign of development, maybe a guardian, maybe someone wanting to give you a message. But perhaps you should wait for someone more adept than I to get a better answer.
23rd May 2006, 02:20 PM
Thanks CFTraveler,
Yes, my experiences are usually very positive and l tend to agree with what you say about a guardian or perhaps the soul-consciousness of this person trying to help.Although, l had a dream about her once and she said 'Cleanliness is overrated'. l said BS and she said 'See what l mean'.Work that one out if you can.l do have a bit of a cleanliness obsession, so perhaps she was hinting at some root problem in me. lt doesn't sound good to me though.Something a NEG might say l think.Perhaps a NEG masquerading as her??.
Last night l went to bed and was feeling angry about this person .Almost immediately l felt her presence surrounding me with a whitish pink light and the anger left me completely, and a sensation of peace filled me all night.The other day the same thing.l felt her at my heart centre [same light] powerfully and l was filled with the same tranquillity all day. However, some have told me this is part of the reward system used by NEGS.They use good experiences to get the hook in. So l'm a little confused right now lol.
Roberts' book came to me under strange circumstances so l assumed someone [perhaps this person l'm connected too] wanted me to read it.Also, another book on the same subject more or less fell into my hands [Freeing the Captives by ireland-frey].Both on the subject of NEGS and possessions etc.
A friend of mine told me just after this that he was going on a ghost trip to spend the night at a haunted mansion, so l think someone brought these books to me for his protection . Forearmed=forwarned. Thanks Robert.
6th June 2006, 12:39 AM
Dear kalki,
Robert has been preparing for workshops. The workshop in Montana is rather remote and internet access is difficult to say the least so answering posts is not possible.
The standard questions to ask oneself are as follows: Do you experience thoughts that are unhealthy mentally or emotionally? Do you get impulses to do things that are not compassionate or are unhealthy to others or self? Do you get compulsions that are not good for those around you? Do you get a slimmy, heavy, disruptive or oversexed feeling around you? Negs like control and can turn people into control freaks, conversely they can cause disharmony, arguing, sexuality that does not make one feel healthy, self harm, insanity, disruptions that fuel fear, tension, and hatred. The varieties are endless but always negative.
There are people out there who are very energetically active. It sounds like the person you are connected to is like this. Just remember that energy is not a sign of spirituality. It is a sign of years of training and a very strong mind. What one does with that mind is another question. We would like to think there are lots of nice neat rules out there governing things. But if that were true we would not have wars or messes. People are free agents and what they do with there abilities is up to them. Best to carefully watch someones character a lot over a long period and get to know them before hooking up with them energetically. If you believe in distance healing then you understand how much we can affect each other energetically. If a healer ever got upset or angry towards a specific person and brooded on that person it could be incredibly damaging. It is so important to have self control and not allow life or people to ruffle you too much. Emotion is beautiful but only when it avoids the pitfalls and trenches that drowned us in useless epic dramas. Survey the character of the one you are connected with and really get to know them at their best and worst. How do they behave when someone has done something unfair or unkind towards them? Do they try to look at things in the most positive possible light or do they brood? This is the difference that is good to look for.
Best Wishes,
12th June 2006, 03:54 PM
Do you experience thoughts that are unhealthy mentally or emotionally? Do you get impulses to do things that are not compassionate or are unhealthy to others or self? Do you get compulsions that are not good for those around you? Do you get a slimmy, heavy, disruptive or oversexed feeling around you? Negs like control and can turn people into control freaks, conversely they can cause disharmony, arguing, sexuality that does not make one feel healthy, self harm, insanity, disruptions that fuel fear, tension, and hatred. The varieties are endless but always negative.
Thanks for your input violetsky, much appreciated.
l should explain that l've known abouts what you call Negs for years in connection with the yoga l do.Only in yoga their called Hostile or Adverse forces and they apparently have Divine permission to test those on the spiritual path according to Sri Aurobindo if you've heard of him [probably the greatest known yogi to come out of lndia].Anyway, l'm definitely aware of the way Negs etc use our Ego's to get what they want and destroy our spiritual lives.Everyone is under attack but if your on a spiritual path [as l am] the attacks are obviously going to be stronger.This is why l'm extra cautious in all this business.
l don't believe l get a slimy, heavy or disruptive or eversexed feeling [l'm actually celibate and although l find this woman attractive the sexual element has played little part.Obviously it's there.l'm only human lol].
What l get usually is a soft peacful bliss that fills my body and mind [feels like l'm walking on clouds]and sometimes lasts for hours or days after l feel her presence enveloping me [always pinkish white light].
Believe me l know there are different types of energy.Yoga explains them in detail and l've been experiencing the spiritual force/shakti for many years. This appears to be the same energy l get with her.l don't think her physical self is aware of all this from what l've seen.This is why l believe something much higher or deeper is going on.Possibly a soul connection from the colors involved.Sri Aurobindo says pink is the souls color and usually there is an experience of soft sweetness when we contact the soul.His authority is good enough for me..
There has been conflict between me and this woman but l would put this down to Neg interference.They would obviously want to disrupt something spiritual if this is what l'm experiencing with this person.
Also, quite often after experiencing her presence like this, l bump into her by pure accident in unusual places.This has been happening almost constantly all week and throughout my contact with her [l turn a corner and she's there].Normally l don't see her much.ln fact straight after reading your post yesterday l went out of this building and almost walked into her.Never seen her around here before and never on her own.
l stopped at a corner to cross the road and she stopped opposite in her car at the same time [before each meeting l felt her presence].This happened twice in exactly the same spot about a day apart.These things can't be accidents.You could say negs could do all this, but some of the organisation in these arranged meetings has to be seen to be believed and l think a greater intelligence is behind it l think.l can't believe the planning them sometimes.Could be wrong and l'm always open to that possibility.
l'm not running into this stuff with my eyes shut.
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