View Full Version : Telepathy

5th October 2012, 11:47 AM

I've a question about telepathy. I'm aware that I can receive wave from others people.
Is it normal ?

thank you for your answers

Robert Bruce
11th October 2012, 06:20 AM
Yes and no. Everyone is fully telepathic, but most people have this turned off by default.

I consider this to be normal, but most people would not.


6th February 2013, 03:50 AM
I have a question also, regarding telepathy. I understand hearing tones indicates someone is thinking of you or connecting with you--either a man or spirit. Can this be harnessed for progressive effects, used consciously?

I've been using NEW and was working with my feet and heard a tone, didn't know exactly who it was though.

Mainly, I've heard of tones being associated with spirits or otherly beings. There must be a progressive aspect to it, so I thought I'd get your take on it.

Thank you, Bruce,

P.S. Hmm, an interesting thought occurred. Maybe tones are heard when clearing blocks...

6th February 2013, 10:43 AM
Hearing a hissing sound is usually sign of a low trance state.

6th February 2013, 03:59 PM
@ Anders:
I use it in the last part of my projection session. After I've tranced, and done energy body loosening, if I don't feel 'ready' yet, I'll listen to my earhiss and it helps get me more 'synched' into that state that is 'almost' there.

Robert Bruce
9th February 2013, 10:26 AM
The 'hissing' that can be heard in the ears is often called 'the ambient noise'

Focusing on this can trigger astral projection.

I think it is a bit like a radio station tuned into the astral dimension.


7th March 2013, 10:44 PM
telepathy means you can know other peoples' thoughts?

Does that mean you can win at poker?

Robert Bruce
25th March 2013, 02:38 AM
Yes, it will help win at any game where being able to receive thoughts gives an advantage. This also involves the ability to manipulate the thoughts of others.
