View Full Version : putting the pieces together

3rd October 2012, 12:56 AM
OK I don't know if I asked this before, maybe I intented too but never got to it, if I have I'm sorry if not, I'll ask.

OK so I've been studying up of Manifestation and the like, I know that You, Robert, use affermations. those don't work for me, not sure why because they work for some and not others.

anyway, I've been studying Echart Tolle's work about being present, I learned that being presen leads to detachment as well as happyiess, and I started learning more about detachment and happiness in it's aspects.

later it hit me, I remembered I had bought a CD set from Robert Anthony, about manifestation, or deliberate creation as he calles it. At his very last CD, which was 5 minuets, he talks about the secret to deliberate Creation. In short he said, "All you have to do to manifest anything you want in life is to be happy. because why do you want a new car, lots of money, relationships and health. because they will make you happy, there for your true goal is to be happy."

at the time I blew this off, but lately I've been looking into this because, Echart Tolle said "being present raise your vibration" and a woman in a EFT & LOA pdf said "our job in manifesting is to raise our vibration"

Ok so then I go back to the section in Energy work about healing manifestations and the like. the Sections where it says "Gives your (damage area) a lot of love and treat it as if it is already healed or perfect in the now"

so in short, I think I understand this manifestation process. That when we are present, we are detached and happy with what is. in this state of happiness we love, say for example, our broken arm. this encourages the healing process there by manifesting a healing miracle.

Is that in the ball park of this process? or is there more to it then that?

thank you

Robert Bruce
4th October 2012, 10:23 AM
Emotional content is important to manifestation.

This relates to what we are discussing...Mind Hacking

I teach people to use positive emotions while speaking affirmations, so they do not just parrot them off. Each time an affirmation is repeated, it should be 'delivered' in the best possible way with good emotion.


4th October 2012, 07:03 PM
ohhh I see.

I find it strange that i was told this many times but I never really got it.
I don't know if you've ever seen this link but I saw it and was amazed.


while we're on the subject of healing/manifestation. I was learning about people who have healed themselves and others with simple intent not nessesraly directed energy healing as we do with the heart center method. the first time I watched the secret which was earlier this year acually =p. there was a woman with breast cancer she stated that all she did was keep happy and away from negative things and her cancer was gone. another about a father who was given a gratitude rock for his sick son and his son was healed.

my guess is that, intent alone is smart enough to do what needs to be done, correct?

EDIT: I watched the video and decided to use it on the dishes, since the desk is clean already, I didn't really feel movtivatied to do them but my room mate did, LOL!

5th October 2012, 12:25 AM
Dear Sir...

So, ¿Hearth Chakra work is adviced? ¿What energy work procedure do you advices at time of speaking affirmations?

¿Is automatic the backup of spoken affirmations (since is involved Throat Chakra) by energy from Hearth Chakra? ¿Is advisable Manifestation Operator undertake conscious control of this backup; or such hypotetical backup is automatic since affirmation contents and emotional status are values strongly linked?

My best regards to you (and IronGega)

Robert Bruce
18th October 2012, 05:19 AM
Often when we read or see things, we 'think' we understand but they actually do not affect us as we are not connecting with the truths we are seeing...meaning, these are not truth to us at that time.

Real belief, the thing that drives manifestation, can only be gained through personal experience. You cannot learn manifestation from a book and expect it to work. You have to practice it to be able to do it...a bit like learning martial arts.


Robert Bruce
18th October 2012, 05:21 AM
No energy work is needed for doing affirmations, at the time of speaking them.

Focus on the affirmation you are saying and try to say it better and more meaningfully, with better inflection, each time you say it.

Do not just parrot it off, or it is far less powerful.

When you become a master, you may only have to speak an affirmation once, and it will be so. But until then, meaningful repetition is the way.
