View Full Version : ¿etheric energy/astral energy?---- ¿etheric body die?

1st October 2012, 03:27 PM

1st October 2012, 04:39 PM
Hi Fidel. Robert has answered this question already in the forums, the main site and other places, so I'll either quote him or link you to what he has said.

Robert, I have understood that the real-time zone shares properties of the physical dimension and properties of the astral dimension, which is the energy difference between the astral and etheric energy? The etheric (RTZ) is part of the astral, there is no 'division' per se, but the etheric is more like the physical- objects are mostly what you see in the physical, with some anomalies (such as the Alice in Wonderland effect.) so you could say that the energy in the RTZ is more 'stable' than in the astral, which is formed by the subconscious, either individual or collective.


and what happens to the etheric body when the physical body dies? book you read in the etheric body diverts all his energy in the body in real time .... but what about the etheric body itself? Energy is preexisting- it cannot be created or destroyed- so it's characteristics change, but 'it' remains.


1st October 2012, 05:17 PM

1st October 2012, 05:23 PM
Only if we have in previous incarnations, multiple times. According to theory, anyway.

1st October 2012, 05:45 PM

1st October 2012, 07:22 PM
Well, here there are many beliefs associated with this- I would say there is only one body, that manifests itself in various graduations of environment, physical in the physical, astral/emotional in the astral, and mental in the mental environment- and it's all one environment, with different ways or modes of perceiving it- but all parts of the one thing.

You may want to ask Robert this one in a separate post, to get his view on it.

Robert Bruce
2nd October 2012, 07:01 AM
Etheric energy, in the way I use this term, is the densest vitality substance (you could call this energy) associated with the human physical body and its energy body. Its a bit like a subtle version of ectoplasm. This is the substance that is in between physical and subtle. It can also be called vitality, of the vitality body, which is made of life force.

We use terms like 'energy' to describe aspects of the human subtle bodies.

When the physical body dies, all subtle bodies are ejected along with the astral/mental body, into the Real Time zone. The remaining subtle 'etheric' vitality substance then slowly dissipates and flows into the projected double over a couple of days - projected by death. Exactly how this happens depends on how death occurs. If the physical body is destroyed by fire or explosion, vitality may flow more quickly into the projected double/spirit.

The above is the best we can do to explain what happens. Given that we know so little on these matters, there is likely much we cannot even guess at.

A projected astral/mental double on any level, including death, maintains its habitual body image, and sex, which generally stabilizes around the age of 40. so a 90 year old will appear as being around 40 rather than 90. This comes from frequent observation of deceased spirits and projectors and not guesswork. If, however, you can hold another body image, say that of a cat (shape shifting) the projected double's appearance can be changed. So, appearance is relative to the perceived body image.


2nd October 2012, 06:00 PM

Robert Bruce
4th October 2012, 10:53 AM
Please rewrite your question as it is not clear.
