View Full Version : TONS of anger and negativity projected at me on a daily basis, negative entites or negative karma?

28th September 2012, 10:46 PM
Ok just tell me this, what does it mean when someone seems to have some kind of "curse" or permanent bad luck, in which keeps getting bullyed by someone all his life no matter to which place or country they go? It's like they carry the "bad luck" with them wherever they go. Besides negative karma from other past life of course...

For example in my case as a child i was bullyed by tons of kids at school, then in highschool and now at my job. Also at home since a child i always kept getting yelled at thousands of times because of misunderstandings all the time (i have all the symptons of having asperger syndrome even tough it's self diagnosed), which in turn developed into a massive phobia of angry people, and this got a LOT worse when i got my first job in 2007 and fulltime at 2011, in which i get yelled and bittled SO intensely all the time on a daily basis (and i usually feel STRONG energy blockages symptons in the back of my neck between my neck and of of third eye, and strong shudders on my shoulders) because of making SO many mistakes and having so many problems that since long time ago i start to wonder if i am cursed or being attacked by tons of negative entities, because it's NOT normal that my life is forcing me to have to keep this job with a "monster" like this as a boss and making it SO difficult to find a alternative job, please don't advice me to take action to find another job, i tried that for YEARS it's impossible in my specific situation, it's everything against that solution, and i suspect this is because it's my destiny like this.

I have tried everything, shrinks, hypnosis, remote healings (2 of them paid and apparently they should be powerfull), reiki attunements and literally HUNDREDS of self healings with kundalini, gold and diamond reiki and amazingly nothing has done any single effect (even if in most cases i was fully believeing they would work, at least believing in a conscious level). The only thing that seemed to provide a temporary relief to the provocations and yellings i get, was meditation, doing n.e.w. itself (yes i don't know how doing n.e.w. at first for about 2-3 weeks seemed to make me not react negatively to emotions anymore but after that the effect was gone and never came back), and lately some technique by korpo about dissolving emotions by focusing on energy blockages seem to provide temporarly relief but while i will keep training this, i would want you opinion on all this i said, based on the things i said it's possible to you judge if it matches cases of psychic attacks by negative entities ?

OR it's more like a case of strong negative karma from previous lifes? I mean, it seems to be the case of negative karma, if not it would be a LOT easier finding a job on my specific difficult conditions, but my life situation seems like it's everything forcing me to keep this job to be able to pay bills, this can only be negative karma from previous lifes, i wish there was a way to know this for sure because if it IS, then i am doomed to suffer from phobias for the rest of my life, since i am not even sure if i am doing the emotions dissolving correctly, because since it's something that only shows results after MONTHS, how am i supposed to have enought motivation to keep going "blindly", and this applys to n.e.w. as well.

I was considering getting your book about pratical psychic self defense, but i will ONLY spend the money on that if this is REALLY the case of negative entities attack or if you think this will definetly help on dissolving emotions, because if this is instead only about negative karma, it's USELESS trying to fight against this at all, it would be so good to be possible to have a RELIABLE way to contact my higherself or spirit guide but the problem is that all my life i seem to have a reverse intuintion, everything my intuintion says is always reversed (mostly in yes/no situations, when it's about specific scenerarios, about that i have a "normal" intuintion) so even if i was able to contact my higherself or spirit guide i would never have idea if it was REALLY that or just my mind trying to guess or making things reverse.

Robert Bruce
29th September 2012, 09:20 AM
From all you say it is very likely that you are being tormented by spirits. I have heard this story many times. This could be a hereditary attachment of some kind, or something you have picked up in your travels...hard to say. I suggest you get the book or the ebook (cheaper) and apply its methods and see how you feel. It will give you many tools with which to repel negative energies/entities and regain your balance and happiness.


29th September 2012, 09:33 AM
How thanks a lot, i almost tought this was just a very heavy negative karma from the past, i really hope i am able to apply those things in the book because almost nothing else at all worked which is strange, even two strong paid healings i took some months ago didn't seem to have any slightest effect (even tough i FELT some physical energy sensations at the time but regarding the bad luck absolutly nothing changed not even several months later).

Also by tormented by spirits you mean the asperger/autism like mind as well or just the bullying part?? i always had this autism like condition my whole life and i suspect it is hereditary since my father is like this too)

Ok i will get the ebook version of pratical psychic self defense handbook (strange it seems it can't be bought outside of united states, i will try to find an alternative way)

One last question, if nothing else worked (besides doing a simplified version of n.e.w. and emotion dissolving energy which provides only a temporarly relief) are you really sure that the methods in book are powerfull enought when almost everything else failed, even the healings by 2 professional healers?? (they didn't seem charlatans since i actually felt the healings physically in a certain way, oh and by the way it seems my bad luck at the time actually INCREASED after the healings for some days, recently i ordered a "blessed" card from stuart wilde named "warriers prayer card" supposedly to repel bad spirits/ghouls and things like that and amazingly again my bad luck and bullying on me increased a LOT again, i am finding this too much of a coincidence it seems everytime i try something more "powerfull" like this or healings i get even more attacked, probably the spirits "revenge" i don't know) Forgive me for doubting you but after so many failures you will probably understand the doubts.

Robert Bruce
1st October 2012, 08:48 AM
There can be a backlash from attached spirits, if direct action is taken against them. This is why most of my passive methods are effective in the sense that there is no direct attempt at banishment. The idea is to make you an uncomfortable place for them to be, so they'll just go away. I do include more direct methods of banishment, but the passive methods should be tried first.


1st October 2012, 12:16 PM
Dear Sir...

"The Secret" (DVD) argument includes the case of an individual involved in entertainment job area being bulled by public and job mates. ¿May be, through LOA application could Cesm get solution for his problem..?


1st October 2012, 09:20 PM
Well i would prefer to avoid continue replying here because of the rules (in which it's best to avoid replying too much in these topics), so i could reply you asalantu in private message even tough you weren't talking to me.

And to robert bruce : thanks for the advice later i will try to get the ebook.

Robert Bruce
2nd October 2012, 06:45 AM
Yes, manifestation principles (positive affirmations for change) are very helpful and are included in my book.


Robert Bruce
2nd October 2012, 06:46 AM
Just make another new question post here. I rarely check my pm's on this site, because there is just not enough time in a day.
