View Full Version : Third eye color in mid air while doing MAP

26th September 2012, 08:12 AM
Yesterday, when going through my ordinary routine of relaxation, energy work etc. I experienced something which I occasionally experience and thought I'd bring it up here to see what you have to say about it.
When doing energy work, after the relaxation and breathing exercise, I got to my hands and stimulated them. It so often happens that I fall into this daydreaming state where I just fade out of consciousness either because im a bit tired or because well, I dont know. It just happens. And when that happens my eyelids dont close.. perhaps you know what its like. I kind of stare at nothing. I dont focus on anything.
Either way, its like I end up in some kind of frozen state where my mind is just blank, like daydreaming.

And yesterday I felt my brow chakra began to pulse in maybe a 4 second interval. Slow pulses and pretty strong. I then saw the color purple in mid air, right in front of my third eye. It followed the same interval as the pulsing. The color was purple, transparent and looked like a detailed flower/mandala/pattern. It pulsated out and vanished in front of my eyes with every pulse in my brow chakra. It continued for about 30 seconds I guess.
After that my vision was pulsating on and off it seemed, like a hue was placed over my eyes so that the contrast of things was changing. Light became darker and vice versa. After that it stopped as I snapped out of it and continued with the other practices.


Adding a few things about it:

-The pattern/color spot/shape I saw in mid air was static - it moved with my head and not on its own, except for morphing on the spot in some kaleidoscope like movement.

-The color was transparent and luminescent. It was very hard to get a reading on the exact shape.

-The color was like this COLOR.

-The second stage of the experience where I saw the colors switch from dark to light, it looked something like this when the contrast was "on": LINK. (http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users15/thnksxfrxthxmmrs/default/more-fun-invert-colors--large-msg-11746816869.jpg) although not so black and white but more like keeping the colors but adding black where the light colors used to be.
PS. Not my photo.

Do you know what this might be, or why it happens?

Robert Bruce
29th September 2012, 08:40 AM

I think this may relate to your brow center strobing lightly. Have a look at my book, Energy Work, in the section 'Purple Strobe' where I describe a similar incident to yours concerning my son, Jesse. Following his example, as artistic abilities manifested in him a few hours later, it is possible that you have had a 'creative purple strobe' and that your creative abilities may increase dramatically....if not already.

Let us know here if anything like this has happened to you since this event.

It would be worthwhile trying to repeat this event.

The open eyed state you fell into is an altered state of consciousness...like deep daydreaming...which is a trance state.


1st October 2012, 08:06 AM
Thank you for the answer, your insight always astounds me :) I have your book and read the article. I will try to reproduce the state I was in and report back in a while.


1st October 2012, 11:14 AM
Dear Sir...

Just a thought...

Perhaps Jesse's artistic skills become increased since he were involved artistically. But ¿what are Siriustraveler's skills centered at..? ¿Mathematics? ¿Engineering? ¿Social sciences? ¿Cooking? ¿Entertainment? ... ¿Or, nothing at all?

May be Siriustraveler perceive such skill enhancement in area different from arts.

My best regards,

2nd October 2012, 05:54 AM
I couldnt reproduce this last evening as I had some itch in one of my eyes. It stopped me from getting "blank" so to speak. But another thing I experienced was that the blanket I put under my feet to not get cold, it kind of moved or seemed organic. The movement was almost like there was something under it. This phenomenon I'm sure is recorded by science somehwere but I can induce it at will. If I stare at a screen for example, after some seconds the screen will begin to move somewhat. Like its floaty.
Do you recognize this?
Anyway, my point here is that this phenomenon happens in the same state that I was in when I wrote about my third eye experience, even though I probably was a bit deeper then.

I will try it tonight again, and come back with some more information.

Robert Bruce
2nd October 2012, 07:04 AM
the movement in your feet likely comes from the slight movement in your astral body that occurs in altered states. This can be perceived as a turning, spinning, or rocking, feeling. In your case, I expect your feet are coming 'loose' a little and causing this perception.

The itching (often called 'cobwebs') comes from energy movement over your face. Try not to scratch this if you can.


2nd October 2012, 07:09 AM
Oh, but this itch was not energy movement. I had a cats hair in my eye all day and couldn't get it out :) And the movement was not on my feet, it was on the blanket, and it was visual. But I might be interpreting what you write in a wrong way. Anyway, the movement is visual and can be induced on any object I like.
Thank you for your answer. I will report back this evening again.

Robert Bruce
2nd October 2012, 07:11 AM
Aha, then its okay to scratch if it is definitely physical.

The visual movement, then, is an optical phenomena.


5th October 2012, 06:03 AM
Hello again Robert!
I achieved what I wrote about up top again. What I did was to take a quick nap after work, before doing my regular MAP practices. When having done the first deep breathing exercices I was going to do some quick energy work on the primary's. I then tried to slip into this altered state of conscioussnes that I wrote about. The thing is that I am only able to do this with my eyes open and they can not blink or its ruined. Its like daydreaming only more conscious. The same effect appeared, with the strobe on the third eye and the colors apprearing. This time the colors were the same but the pattern was larger. Its like one of those fractal pictures, but mirrored so its the same on both sides. And its morphing, changing shape somewhat. Also there were small light dots, like pixels, in the air occasionally. Like those you have when you get up to fast with low bloodpressure or something. Some other thigs to add is that while doing my meditation afterwards I saw a distinct flash of white light, but I guess that dont belong to this.
I cannot recall some heightened artistic skills or something else actually.

Robert Bruce
19th October 2012, 02:20 AM
Keep exploring this and it will go somewhere. It will improve with practice.


19th October 2012, 05:05 AM
Thx for your advice, always appreciated!

Regards Linus