View Full Version : Third eye night vision

24th September 2012, 03:22 AM
Hello Rob

I had a question about the Third eye stimultion, I know we can train our third eye to see auras but I was

wondering what about being about to see in low or no light.

would that be related to the third eye? and what course of training would need to go about doing it if you think it is possible.

I'm currently trying to push for more 'mundane' uses for energy work, I'm hoping my research will permit me to be able to make an introduction into a more scientific foundation (I know good luck right?)

thanks rob

Robert Bruce
25th September 2012, 10:20 AM
The practice of 'body image' work, as I call it, begins the development of 'sight' of seeing through closed eyelids.

Tonight when it is dark and you are in bed, lay on your back and close your eyes. Hold your arms out wide.

Gaze straight ahead through your closed eyelids.

Focus on your right hand with body awareness.

Open and close your hand, spread your fingers and rotate your wrist. Keep moving it.

Without changing the direction of your closed eye gaze, straight ahead, observer to your right with your peripheral vision as you move your hand.

You will notice 'movement' there. Visual movement. Something pale is visually moving where your hand is.

It is utterly impossible to visually see this movement with your physical eyes.

Your Third Eye...brow chakra reception is picking up this movement with a level of energy sight.

Repeat the above with your left hand. Then with both hands. Then move your arms and hands over your face at a distance (arms stretched out a bit).

Then focus on your feet and repeat the above.

Then focus on your legs, torso, head, and etc. Become aware of your whole body if you can.

This type of 'sight' will improve with practice.

Its not quite as accurate as normal vision, but it will develop into a kind of night sight that will allow you, with practice, to navigate a dark area, like your home at night with the lights out.

I've taught this to a lot of people in my live workshops and so far, about 99% of people get this quickly.

Another interesting thing to do is to charge up your hands with ework, and just like how you would do the two person exercise, moving in and out to sense each other's energy fields with your hands held out... do this with a wall, with your eyes closed. Walk slowly towards the wall with eyes closed. Sense with your hands. Just like how you will sense another person's energy field, you will also sense that of the wall. And you will know when you are close to it through the sensations.

Both these things, the energy sight and the body awareness sensing, can be used together.

This gets better the more you use it.


25th September 2012, 04:47 PM
ha ha Perfect Robert thank you very much!

I thought about doing that very same thing just as I woke up this morning a few minuets before I saw your post heh heh.

I appraciate this very much!

oh btw I'm able to see, at any time, a distinct ebbs and flows of energy, I'm also able to change my visuial focus to see it better as well


EDIT: I just thought of something, would you say it's possible for people who are medically 'blind' to be able to see via the third eye as common folks by sensing things?

Robert Bruce
28th September 2012, 01:02 AM
Yes, I think that blind people could use this to see. You hear rumors of martial arts masters having this ability, and I have seen video tests of this. I think this is how they do it.


28th September 2012, 02:17 AM
Dear Sir...

A russian (Vyacheslav M. Bronnikov, http://www.bronnikovmethod.com) used a similar method in order to recover blind people.

My best regards,

2nd October 2012, 05:08 PM
You will notice 'movement' there. Visual movement. Something pale is visually moving where your hand is.

Your Third Eye...brow chakra reception is picking up this movement with a level of energy sight.

This type of 'sight' will improve with practice.

This gets better the more you use it.



So I was practicing and I could 'see' some movement behind me eyes. I started to wonder, how much of that is my third eye acually seeing and how much is it my imagination and is there a difference between the two?

Robert Bruce
4th October 2012, 10:13 AM
You have to play with this for some time before you will understand that it is more than just imagination. Using this causes the night sight to get stronger. I practice in a dark room with eyes tightly closed. I can see the furniture and fittings and curtains etc fairly distinctly. I have experimented with people, too, and can reliably see and touch where they are, or where their hands are.

if a person lies next to you and moves his her arm up and down, you can see this movement. It is staggered, like playing a movie on too slow a speed, seeing incremental movement of the arm or person frame by frame...like animation.

I've been using this 'oddity' for several years and it is definitely growing. I think this is key for developing a useful level of dark sight. I've also used this with students for some years and this, dark sight, seems to stimulate the third eye significantly, as well as bringing real experience to students, which also helps with same.


7th October 2012, 03:22 AM
that got me thinking, I was trying this a a little while ago and I thought about seeing it out of my side vision as you said, it's similar to the seeing aura exercises, can this help with seeing auras as well?

Robert Bruce
11th October 2012, 04:07 PM
Yes, I think that using this level of sight stimulates the third eye. It becomes very natural. I started really working this a couple of years ago as I need to 'see' the human energy body more clearly, especially the chakras. The body image sight is fairly consistent, with occasional flares of greater sight where I will see spectacular views of parts of the energy body. A work in progress...


12th October 2012, 01:43 AM
Robert I really appericate you taking the time out to talk about this, thats what sets you apart from other teachers, your willing to take the time to help others with no reward to your self.

ok so anyway, I tested something last night, I placed my hand behind my head and moved my fingers, I stoped then started over and over again and I saw movement but my hand was behind my head.

what do you make of this?

EDIT: I have this awesome update, so late night I places a pillow over my face to block out all light. I moved my hands and still saw the movement even behind the pillow that was covering my eyes.

this is interesting

Robert Bruce
19th October 2012, 02:33 AM
Yes, this is fascinating...

I have also been playing with this. Yesterday I noticed that I have two tall windows in my view, behind closed eyes. If you spread your arms wide straight from your shoulders, these windows are about where your hands will be.

These are tall windows. The width... at my right side is a bookcase about 6ft (2meters) away. The window is about as wide as 3 or 4 books. If I move my head side to side, the windows also move. The windows are quite bright and even in darkness those areas are illuminated.

This is a kind of peripheral energy vision. The windows appear to be growing.

I do all the above at a normal level of consciousness...no trance state. I just close my eyes and in a few seconds this sight is there.

I have been using affirmations to increase my clairvoyance and energy sight for about two years.

I discovered this body awareness sight (relating to my body image work) a few years back. An interesting phenomenon to say the least.

The rest of my field of vision behind closed eyes is consistent. In darkness with closed eyes I can see furniture and fittings of the room around me...but this is dim, like seeing in a room that is almost totally dark so you can only make out vague shapes of things. I can see my hands and the rest of my body, and also see other people. Living things like people, arms and hands, are a little brighter than fixtures. If I do energy work and get into an altered state, my own energy body is much clearer, sometimes incredibly detailed where I can see my skin color and hairs on my arms. I will also see energy body structures, like the big disks coming from my hands about 8ft (2.5meters) across...and big feather like blooms extending from my fingers.

This is fascinating work.

See if you have these windows. I did not really notice them until I looked.

Btw, These windows are only there if I gaze straight ahead behind closed eyes. I close my eyes and then 'widen' my eyes (that's what it feels like) and by this I mean I am 'unfocusing' my eyes.


19th October 2012, 07:46 AM
I have one time get this window opened in the third eye so I do understand what you say...but now day´s when I gaze like very far distance with closed eye´s I see happenings happen but it is like pure energy shaped people or happenings and the energy will give me a picture and I feel it, so if it is people I see then I will recognize them in real life if I meet them...mostly is still my fears or wishes I can see played up and I find this like a test where I am in my inner development, and I can tell I have not gone far ...but I am working on and to be here is very helpful...

I did get this word given to me ...measurment scale...I am now wondering if this is to use in dimensions where is no time or shape?? to navigate??

Robert Bruce
20th October 2012, 03:14 PM
Keep in mind here that these observations I have been making are 'not' in an altered state and not during meditation. These are fully awake observations with eyes closed in dark or dimly lit room. During meditation, my 'vision' is much stronger, and often includes a viewpoint in the astral planes....like what I describe in Astral Dynamics as a 'remote eye projection'.

I do not know what 'measurement scale' would mean. Note such things and continue. You will get a lot of strange things like this through meditation and OBE and lucid dream work. Mostly they do not pan out to mean anything, although occasionally they will be very meaningful.


26th October 2012, 02:46 AM
ok so I have another discovery.

I tried this using only my "awareness hands" and I saw movement. exactly as I moved my "awareness hands" I saw it move and stop, go fast and go slow.

I like this!!

Robert Bruce
2nd November 2012, 01:13 AM
Yes, you can see body awareness hands moving, too.

If you sleep with a partner, get them to move their hands slowly in front of you, in the dark with your eyes closed, and see if you can detect them. I find when I do this that another person, or their arm, has a slight drag effect, which looks something like the arm or person I see is one or two seconds behind where the actual arm or person is.


2nd November 2012, 06:10 AM
oh oh that reminds me.

i noticed when it's dark out, especially times when i'm running. I can see a type of after image on my arms moving. my eyes are open and move my arm around and i see a bluish white after image where my arm was then it moves to where my arm is.

is that my energy body arm?

Robert Bruce
3rd November 2012, 04:50 PM
YEs, what you are seeing is a part of your aura. This type of view, auric sight, 'drags' behind the physical body parts a little
