View Full Version : My first step to lucid(even if unintentional)

23rd September 2012, 07:54 AM
Hey folks, I've seen a dream today and managed to realize that i was in a dream. And in 1 sec, i woke up. The dream was a very absurd oe, theming a technological advanced age, i don't know when. I found myself in a room in my so called home in the dream, i was talking to 2 people. they weren't calling me by my name by something else starting with E(Emir or Emre i guess, and not very important i think). I realized i retired from some job i don't know. Than i got some money, and went out. I was in an old looking apartment, and there were a lot of people in it on the stairs. Walls and railings were green,floor was cement grey. I i started to go down, as i was going down quickly i was also counting the floors i was going down. When i reached the ground floor, which was very quick, my counting was 237(D'oh). Than i went out. there were a few transportation devices out there. one of them was like a tank's gun turret. And another weird one looking like a flat board triple in length and almost tenfold in width of a surfboard with some iron reverse-U-shaped feet holders in the back zone. and a motor in the center. And a big paper piece i saw on it said 66 Mark(or Marks if i have to write it English). I got aboard on it and it slowly took off and started moving. At a point, a man suddenly appeared on the board, asking me 5 marks. i gave him what he wanted and he inserted them to the transport. The ext time i looked at him, he was gone. Than i arrived to a big(20m diameter) circular shaped platform and transport landed on it as i realized it's a station for the transport. In seconds, the transport took of again and started to go very roughly. If that wasn't a dream, i was off to the ground in only one second. As i was trying to not to fall, i moved from station to station, by a crazy traveling transport. Rougher than the 5D or 6D train ride theaters i can say. As i finally reached a big, technological looking building, the transport landed. I got off, walked through the door, started to look around. The building turned out to be a giant arcade center as i walked furter into it. Than i arrived to a desk, with a cashier woman. As i apporach to the desk, she said "Want to buy coins?". Than i saw the piece of paper with the writing "1 Coin 4 marks", decided it's too expensive, and said "Nah, I'll just look around". ı left the table and went to take a look on the arcade machines. When i saw the video games on them i thought(that's the point my conscious mind takes place of my dream mind) "Hey, games shouldn't be like this with that technology. I'm dreaming, I'm in a dream.".
Everything went dark instantly and in just one second, i felt myself quickly waking up and at the end of that one second, i opened my eyes, completely awake.
This is my first dream which i realized it's a dream before waking up. And the dream was weird, my reality check was weird, so the whole experience was weird. lol.
P.S. i wasn't trying something like having a lucid dream or trying to find out that i'm dreaming. That's weird too :D

23rd September 2012, 09:03 PM
Are you doing any other work to promote awareness? When we focus on becoming aware we often become aware in places and in times we don't expect or didn't plan on. Pretty fun thought, right? Get in a dream or OBE for a good long time and watch your entire definition of reality go on its side.


24th September 2012, 06:06 AM
Are you doing any other work to promote awareness?
I do energy work(both stimulating and trying to use it), a bit meditation, and sometimes OBE trials(so far i failed only).

When we focus on becoming aware we often become aware in places and in times we don't expect or didn't plan on. Pretty fun thought, right? Get in a dream or OBE for a good long time and watch your entire definition of reality go on its side.
It looks like it's fun. Well, i won't deny my dream was fun(at least for me).

And today i saw another dream. But in the middle of it, my mom woke me up and i couldn't stop myself from forgetting it. And another one joins to the dreams i forgot this way. Snap.

24th September 2012, 06:28 AM
I also want to know how to stay longer in a/the lucid dream/Astral realm as I only have had short experiences myself. I do think that Energy work and more time in the astral/lucid dream environment makes you have more vivid and longer experiences because your developing those bodies. But other than that what can we do to make it longer (I know many say energy raising, but I know this one already).

24th September 2012, 12:32 PM
What works for me, is that when I become lucid (and don't get too excited) I focus on some object or person in the background. Since flying is so common for me (I never walk in dreams, lucid or otherwise) I always regard flying as 'normal', and doesn't work as a cue for dreaming. But if I get lucid, I try to absorb myself in the environment, without letting it draw me in completely lest I lose lucidity.

25th September 2012, 01:07 AM
Also, you can try reciting a single word methodically while in that state. For instance, repeat "up" or "one" and you'll notice your awareness in that state solidifies.


25th September 2012, 10:58 AM
Soul, its a bit like Buhlman's affirmations then. Like reciting "Clarity now!" or "More energy now!". Something like that.

16th October 2012, 06:12 PM
the first time I get lucid in a few seconds, is when I perceived 2 ghosts in my dream. That disturbed my dream. And I could see them in my house.

19th October 2012, 08:25 AM
One of most common and easy step to stay longer in a lucid dream is rubbings hands together. This is the best technique ever.