View Full Version : Lecture by Robert Waggoner

22nd September 2012, 11:58 AM

22nd September 2012, 11:58 AM

22nd September 2012, 11:13 PM
Great stuff, they make it seem like picking lottery numbers is easy lol.

I am sure there is a way. Developing your ability to concentrate and using memory techniques could work. Like remote viewers would convert numbers into images so that the number 1 looks like an elephant, the number 2 looks like a dog, 9 looks like a rose flower etc...etc. Its more memorable and easy.

If your going to do a lottery game like the pick 3, you basically do this:

You go into a lucid dream and imagine a room with 3 doors. Behind each door will be one image that represents the winning number that is going to be picked for the lottery. You open the first door and you see a dog which is the number 2, then you open the second door and you see a rose flower which is the number 9, and again for the third door. This process might work

I wish i was proficient at lucid dreaming to try this.

23rd September 2012, 12:19 AM
I wish i was proficient at lucid dreaming to try this.

Maybe you will be someday.:D

23rd September 2012, 12:23 AM
Maybe you will be someday.:D

Its on the to do list :D