View Full Version : pre cognitive dreams

21st September 2012, 07:03 PM
Hello Robert,
Do you know what the sigifigance is of pre cognitive dreams in terms of ones development? I feel like I am getting real close to becoming a regular astral projector. I have been working on it w/ a friend over the internet and have had some experiences. But it seems I am also having a lot of precognitive dreams during normal sleep. Also I had a question about the manner in which I am projecting, if that is ok? I asked my friend and he said I was projecting in a clairvoyant way. Basically I am not able to get out of body by the rope, ladder, or rolling methods. I have tried and practiced this a lot but to no avail. Basically I get into the trance and then a lot of times gain what i guess you would call astral sight( seeing behind closed eyes) and then wind up in planes in an uncontrolled manner. Do you have any suggestions about projecting in this way that might help me to become better and have better experiences? Thanks alot I have really enjoyed your material and am enjoying this forum.

Robert Bruce
22nd September 2012, 09:06 AM

You have an active brow center, so, you project out that way. You may feel zero obe exit sensations and just shift into the astral planes.

Precog, in your instance, = a training program. You need to mentally describe everything you see, briefly. This synchronizes your minds eye, subconscious, learned mental associations, with what you see. EG. you perceive an energy with your brow center, in or out of your body, and this is interpreted into an image, or scenario. Describing what you see as you see it, fine tunes this so it is more accurate.

Precog dreams generally pick up high energy events, often with great loss of life. This is like you are using a radio scanner, and are just picking up the strongest signals. There is not meaning to this;;;;it just happens.

Try using 'commands' during your experiences to shift to 'real time' etc.

be swell and make waves


22nd September 2012, 11:05 AM
Thanks for the reply. I think I am right on track as I am doing the " describing". I will try to implement the use of commands like you suggested. In terms of the dreams, I am not really sure I understand. To give a few examples. I have a dream of scene from particular movie, When I wake up an hour later the mailman knocks on the door delivering that very movie, forgot I had ordered it as it had gotten lost in mail for weeks. I have a dream, my roomate who is disabled has a fall while his mother is fussing at him. Next day his elderly mother has a bad fall while gardening. Before I moved I had a dream and a wild guy approached me and was yelling at me, I remember him using the term pistol whipping a couple of times. A couple days later I was walking up the street late at night and three young guys pulled a gun on me, robbed me and hit me with gun in the side of head. I had a dream my mother was making blueberry muffins and raving about them. I wake up, we go out to have coffee, at the coffee shop, she is very excited because they happen to have fresh baked blueberry muffins. etc.etc. Is that precognitive dreaming? thanks

Robert Bruce
25th September 2012, 10:23 AM
Yes, these things all involve some level of precognitive dreaming.

You can also program yourself to have dreams about certain things, including healing dreams, and which horse will win a race.
