20th May 2006, 10:50 AM
My whole life I knew this occured to some people but haven't actually experienced it till recently.
About a week ago I was in some dream or another....the experience was so huge for so short a time that I doubt I would have remembered it shortly after waking up even if I had written down what i could. Despite that, I wish I HAD written down what I could, so I could ask Cainam if he could pick out any details about the experience.
What I DO remember is that in the dream I was on a quest in an all-too familair world I had mentioned before. I will recap here in this quote taking out some small details that aren't dream related. In Italics I added in some notes.
First I have a long story in the shortest form I could make it. I write it to try to get it so you can understand the point of view of me back then, and it's hasty, so if it's very badly written and hard to understand please forgive. I might be a writer but.... I don't think going into the detail I usually do would work here. This happened when I was about 13-14 up to about 16-17 with the dream happening at about 16 and events before that leading up to it.
..............//........... much personal stuff cut out here, don't wish to dredge this up here as it's not important to the topic at hand.
(from here out I am using another point of view to clarify personal feeling)
You figure that out and things work most of the time, but sometimes not. One month after denial, you have a lucid dream. This dream lasts several nights, continuing from where you left off when you woke up. In this dream you are fighting to control a gate to another universe/world. Eventually you are the last one standing, and you enter the portal to another world. There are many details here which are missing and if wished I will write out the full dream sequence which took about 6-7 nights to complete.
At this point a voice and thought enter your mind, and you are given a choice. What are you going to do in/with this world. You think for several minutes just outside the gate. Finally, you decide to become a protector. You don't want to rule this world. You have no desire to. You simply want to protect. At this point you are now a dragon, a guardian, though you don't realize it.
from here you go straight into what you think is a second lucid dream. Several years later in life you realize it is the same dream. You are in the world, which means you have to protect against something. The two races currently existing are fighting each other. One side has apperently done something quite horrible to the other. Thinking you wish to keep peace and to abolish the evil you see, you join up with the side that had had the wrong done to. You fight with them, and because of your choice and that you are the guardian you have abilities the people in that world do not understand, and they know it. You eventually get to the center of the problem. After taking care of that you go to see to try to stop the fighting of a dragon, representative of the race you fought against, and a wolf, representing the race you fought for. They are spirit beings and you cannot fight them. Period. You watch. The dragon slays the wolf, and something snaps inside of you once again. You hear the familair voice that talked at the gate say the wolf was not getting things accomplished so the dragon took over.
You skip to several years ahead in the world, and you see dragon rep. people intermingling with wolf represented people secretely, but not doing any harm. Matter of fact they are doing much good. The "wolfs" don't understand what is happening. You do, and the thought often makes you smile. You leave the dream after seeing a dragon rep. lady caring for two wolf rep. children.
Introduction to my own personal dream world I had somehow created. This time, when waking up from this world, I remembered clearly the span of an entire lifetime.
Has anyone else had this happen and wish to share? I remember clearly I was doing something important: anything more than that I cannot remember.
About a week ago I was in some dream or another....the experience was so huge for so short a time that I doubt I would have remembered it shortly after waking up even if I had written down what i could. Despite that, I wish I HAD written down what I could, so I could ask Cainam if he could pick out any details about the experience.
What I DO remember is that in the dream I was on a quest in an all-too familair world I had mentioned before. I will recap here in this quote taking out some small details that aren't dream related. In Italics I added in some notes.
First I have a long story in the shortest form I could make it. I write it to try to get it so you can understand the point of view of me back then, and it's hasty, so if it's very badly written and hard to understand please forgive. I might be a writer but.... I don't think going into the detail I usually do would work here. This happened when I was about 13-14 up to about 16-17 with the dream happening at about 16 and events before that leading up to it.
..............//........... much personal stuff cut out here, don't wish to dredge this up here as it's not important to the topic at hand.
(from here out I am using another point of view to clarify personal feeling)
You figure that out and things work most of the time, but sometimes not. One month after denial, you have a lucid dream. This dream lasts several nights, continuing from where you left off when you woke up. In this dream you are fighting to control a gate to another universe/world. Eventually you are the last one standing, and you enter the portal to another world. There are many details here which are missing and if wished I will write out the full dream sequence which took about 6-7 nights to complete.
At this point a voice and thought enter your mind, and you are given a choice. What are you going to do in/with this world. You think for several minutes just outside the gate. Finally, you decide to become a protector. You don't want to rule this world. You have no desire to. You simply want to protect. At this point you are now a dragon, a guardian, though you don't realize it.
from here you go straight into what you think is a second lucid dream. Several years later in life you realize it is the same dream. You are in the world, which means you have to protect against something. The two races currently existing are fighting each other. One side has apperently done something quite horrible to the other. Thinking you wish to keep peace and to abolish the evil you see, you join up with the side that had had the wrong done to. You fight with them, and because of your choice and that you are the guardian you have abilities the people in that world do not understand, and they know it. You eventually get to the center of the problem. After taking care of that you go to see to try to stop the fighting of a dragon, representative of the race you fought against, and a wolf, representing the race you fought for. They are spirit beings and you cannot fight them. Period. You watch. The dragon slays the wolf, and something snaps inside of you once again. You hear the familair voice that talked at the gate say the wolf was not getting things accomplished so the dragon took over.
You skip to several years ahead in the world, and you see dragon rep. people intermingling with wolf represented people secretely, but not doing any harm. Matter of fact they are doing much good. The "wolfs" don't understand what is happening. You do, and the thought often makes you smile. You leave the dream after seeing a dragon rep. lady caring for two wolf rep. children.
Introduction to my own personal dream world I had somehow created. This time, when waking up from this world, I remembered clearly the span of an entire lifetime.
Has anyone else had this happen and wish to share? I remember clearly I was doing something important: anything more than that I cannot remember.