View Full Version : Astral Bob

19th September 2012, 05:24 AM
Hello Robert,

I would like to briefly thank you for your NEW energy ways system; it was a catalyst for a spiritual voyage I could never have imagined prior to discovering it. This voyage continues today.

I actually attended one of your workshops in Hinckley, OH back in October of 2007(?). I was a young man at the time, but found it to be a spiritually transformative experience. I still to this day remember a particular synchronicity that you and I had outside.

Anyway, the reason I come here is the fact that I've had some interesting experiences lately and for whatever reason, you've been some sort of repeating theme. The first experience was a dream during which you put your hands on my wrists and "infused" or "read" my energy body. You shook frenetically while doing this and I had strong energy sensations in my throat chakra. This took place outdoors, in some sort of "workshop" setting. This experience was very vivid.

Since then, for whatever reason, you keep appearing in my dreams. This is on and off, but enough to get my attention. There is teaching going on in these dreams, I feel. I'm sure that you're likely not consciously aware of this, but I'm curious about what your input is on this? Particularly the experience with the powerful energy movement sensations.

Robert Bruce
19th September 2012, 12:22 PM

Nice to catch up with you after all this time...

I can't really explain your experiences, although they sound beneficial.

Maybe you identify with me as a teacher and your mind uses my image at times for teaching type experiences.

I do run an informal school in the astral at times, so maybe you connected with that....

When in a dream and you experience powerful energy sensations, your physical body may be experiencing strong OBE exit sensations, and these transfer to your dream body/mind. This is the most logical answer for the experience itself, but, again, it does not really explain the involvement of my image.

take care, robert