View Full Version : OBE/AP vs. soul travel

17th September 2012, 05:31 PM
Hello Rob

What is the difference between soul travel and Astral projection/ or OOBE?

I don't even know if there is a difference but I emailed the receptionist at E.A. Koetting's website about it and she said they were different.

so I wanted to get your input on the matter, are they different and do the effect you differently or the same?

EDIT: while I'm on that concept, would you happen to know how cohesive NEW is with Koettings pathways?

thank you

Robert Bruce
19th September 2012, 12:32 PM
I really do not think there is a difference beyond the beliefs involved and the way in which OBE is approached.

There are many levels of obe, which is a gradient from real time to high astral. Even real time OBE has a gradient and many subtly different experiences can be had in real time.

The idea of the Soul leaving the body an empty mindless shell does not fit in with my experience with OBE. But the term 'soul travel' may be misleading. The experience of OBE can make it seem like everything shifts out of the physical body mind. But if you dig deeper you'll find that the essential you still remains within the physical body mind during OBE...and instead, a reflection copy of you is projected out.

Probably the nearest to Soul Travel would be NDE (near death experience). But even here, we know way too little about these things to give a solid opinion one way or another.

What works, works....

Sorry, I am not that familiar with EA's pathways and other systems. But, the energy body is the energy body and any system must conform to its fundamental structures and pathways. But, again, how this is approached and conceived will alter according to one's beliefs and expectations. So I am sure if a comparison were made it would fit.


24th September 2012, 03:17 AM
thank you rob :)