View Full Version : Stream Entry Practice and AP

13th September 2012, 01:30 AM
I've been reading a ton on Buddhist meditation practices and whatnot and came across this essay on Stream Entry. Almost everything in this writing is applicable to obtaining an OBE; the concepts are interchangeable. Simply read through with projection (or enlightenment) in mind:

http://www.dharmaoverground.org/web/guest/dharma-wiki/-/wiki/Main/ReformedSlackersGuide?p_r_p_185834411_title=Reform edSlackersGuide

BTW, time spent on Dharma Overground is time well spent.


13th September 2012, 12:39 PM
Thanks for this. I have the next thing to load on my tablet. Yay!

14th September 2012, 01:45 AM
What tablet did you get?

I just got the Google Nexus. Wife hasn't seen me in a bit...


14th September 2012, 02:03 PM
A Lenovo something or other. I've just read almost all published material on Carlos Castaneda, and next I'm going to read the one you posted.

14th September 2012, 11:17 PM
Dharma Overground is great. Have you read this Erowid experience report on the effects of insight meditation?


And I liked how Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha doesn't just talk about Theraveda Buddhist views on enlightenment. If I recall correctly, shamanic views, kundalini, hermetics, and a variety of others were discussed. The Tibetan Buddhist model is intriguing... I wonder if they can really turn out full-blown buddhas in one lifetime?

Gonig back through Monroe's work has been interestnig. His concept of achieving "escape velocity" to be free of Earth life addictions and needless incarnations is remarkably similar to the Buddhist and Hindu teachings behind reincarnation, karma, and nirvana/moksha.

15th September 2012, 11:06 AM
I gave like a year to read and follow the 8 foulded pathway The Vision I think it was...by Buddha...and I did understand and gain the state translated directly from swedish....No backfalling...and I felt this state to be a platform that I can never fall under it...like I have got my bottom to rise higher up...can you tell me what this state is called in English?? If you understand what I mean??

15th September 2012, 04:15 PM
Baseline in plain English- don't know in Buddhist terminology.