View Full Version : Is this a spontaneous kundalini experience?

11th September 2012, 07:58 PM
So last night I was lying in bed doing my usual routine of energy raising and chakra work. When I was working on my heart chakra, I had an image appear in my mind of a young boy extending his hand to me like he wanted to touch mine. And without thinking I reached out and grabbed his hand. After doing that, all of a sudden, I feel something changing in my energy body, something taking over me. And I feel this strong energy force coming up through the soles of my feet, up my legs, into the base of my spine, up the spine and out of the crown chakra. For a few seconds, my body felt extremely hot and then it turned cold suddenly. I was left with a burning sensation on my spine and on the top of my head for a few hours. It was a little unconfortable. My crown chakra seemed very active at the time and I felt electrified. I didn't have any sleep that night because these constant energy movements would keep me waking up.
At the time I got extremely scared because I didn't know what was happening and it was so strong that I was fighting against it. I'm not sure if it was somehow hindered because of it.

Btw, I never intentionaly tried to raise or activate the kundalini.

Well, what do you think happened to me? Thanks in advance.

11th September 2012, 09:35 PM
Have you ever had a conscious projection before?

11th September 2012, 09:51 PM
Yes, I have. The strongest was a few years ago. I woke up in sleep paralysis and projected at will from that state. I have been trying to project from the awake state lately but still can't pass the vibration phase.

Does that relate with my experience?

11th September 2012, 11:01 PM
Yes and no- often a first conscious experience is chaotic and has very strong energetic sensations, very similar to a Kundalini experience, which is why I asked. However, if you'd experienced it before, and this is not like that, my bet would be on a spontaneous Kundalini experience. So my inexpert opinion is that yes, you had a Kundalini experience, if not a 'raising' then an awakening, but your symptoms are dramatic enough to support the 'Uraeus' explanation.

12th September 2012, 04:10 PM
i found the little boy most interesting of all.

12th September 2012, 11:59 PM
When i was tryn to get past the state it helped me to visualize a white light eminateing from my third eye around my body

18th September 2012, 12:56 PM
Hello again! Last night it happened again but was quite different from the first time. I was starting my energy work routine and as I was working on the base chakra, I felt a core of energy close to it that needed to be released (in some ways it reminded me of the feeling you get when you orgasm, the feeling that there is something that must be released). From that place, this energy started climbing up my spine but this time VERY SLOWLY and the feeling was much lighter (just some tingling). It took about 5-10 min to climb all the way to the top of my head.
So, what do I make of this?? This is certainly not kundalini (the real deal) but can this be some sort of clearing the pathway before the real thing? Like a test drive. Did Robert ever mention a phenomenon like this?

18th September 2012, 01:48 PM
overtime iv'e learnt to just shut up and survive kundalini , some days are good some are trainwrecks
i no longer focus on "is this this? or is this that?" - in the longer run that all seems too inconsequential and meaningless.

18th September 2012, 06:28 PM
And the answer is yes, he has, but I'm not sure why. Did you read the stickied threads written by Robert in this subforum?