View Full Version : Can someone explain this OBE I had?

11th September 2012, 10:42 AM

SOme times after I have done meditation, I lay down to sleep. After a while when I feel I need to get up because I don't want to sleep in the middle of the day for to long, it happens that I leave my body. That is, my astral body, or whatever it is called gets up from bed but not the physical body.
Often the the feeling is a little bit electric, but not always.

Now to my question: Why does the world when vieved from my astral body look different from how it really is? It never looks the same. for instance, some times the layout of my appartment is different, colors on the wall, maybe there are different furniture, flowers on the table that isn't there in the real world etc. How come?

11th September 2012, 10:44 AM
Oh and I should add that I don't leave my body on purpose. I actually try to get up from bed but the physical body just doesn't move.

11th September 2012, 10:50 AM
I would say that the reason you are leaving your body is a natural result from having mpractised meditation for so long. But that wasnt the question :)
To answer your question read this: http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/astral-projection-training/treatise-on-astral-projection/61-part-1.html and scroll down to "Alice In Wonderland Effect".

Its interesting you come from Sweden, as I do. never seen another Swedish person in here before! Hej :)

11th September 2012, 10:57 AM
Why does the world when vieved from my astral body look different from how it really is?
That's the wrong way to look at it. How do you know "how it really is"? In other words, the perspective from the material body is not the same as the perspective from the astral. The material reality you experience is, in part, shaped by the material body, and the same is true of the astral reality and astral body. Different perspectives create different realities.

Also keep in mind that the material world is pretty slow to change, relatively speaking. Stuff doesn't materialise instantly (generally speaking, anyway). Things take time to grow. The astral is not limited in that way, and it's much more quick to respond to your thoughts and mood and other factors. The astral, in my experience, is more like a dream reality, where things can and do change in the blink of an eye, at the slightest flows of the stream of thought. It's not surprising that the astral version of material reality is fairly fluid and easily changeable, even if you're not consciously aware of changing it (you're not consciously aware of changing things in a dream, either, but you're still the one creating it).

11th September 2012, 01:00 PM
Just one more thing to add (well, not really add, more like expound on)- The physical world looks the way it looks because you use your eyes to see it (and your skin to feel it, etc.) When you are projected, you are a force field interacting with your environment (like radar), and the information you get from this interaction has to be brought back to your physical brain, and interpreted by it according to what it can compare it to. Hence, things like 'up, down', vibration and color get all skewy. (Hey, I just made up a word!)

11th September 2012, 05:08 PM
I would say that the reason you are leaving your body is a natural result from having mpractised meditation for so long. But that wasnt the question :)
To answer your question read this: http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/astral-projection-training/treatise-on-astral-projection/61-part-1.html and scroll down to "Alice In Wonderland Effect".

Its interesting you come from Sweden, as I do. never seen another Swedish person in here before! Hej :)

Jag är från Sverige oxå. Vinkar!!

12th September 2012, 06:05 AM
Replying in english. Didnt notice there IA56. Iv seen you around alot though. Nice to se that there is some spiritual activity in atheist-Sweden *sarcasm* :)

12th September 2012, 06:32 AM
It okay :-)