View Full Version : Burning tongue tip touching roof during energy work

8th September 2012, 11:48 AM
When touching the tip of my tongue to the roof of my mouth and
doing energy work there is a notable burning sensation that increases
in intensity felt on the tip of my tongue.

At times it becomes most difficult to endure the scolding sensation, and
it is quite strong when I have done persistent stimulation of the
base chakra.

I was hoping you could perhaps comment on the nature of the energy flow
involved that could explain this sensation?

I understand that touching the tongue to the mouth roof closes the energy
circuit of the body and allows for complete energy circulation, but is it
always good to keep the tongue in that position?

Robert Bruce
13th September 2012, 01:40 AM
This burning sensation indicates that a great deal of energy is flowing there, and that a blockage is being 'burned away'.

Apply the golden rule to this...keep doing the exercise, but take a break whenever it gets too strong. This should ease with time and practice, as your energy body develops.

The circuit you speak of also includes raising your eyes to look at the middle of your brow.

Holding the tongue and/or eyes in this position is uncomfortable and takes practice.

However, if kundalini is activated enough to fire up the central channel, you'll find the tongue and eyes will automatically switch to these positions effortlessly. What this tells us is that holding these positions is a way of trying to encouraging this level of activation.
