View Full Version : Is there some explanation....

6th September 2012, 05:09 AM
Hi Mr Robert Bruce.

I have a question if there is some explanation why I am not able to raise my energy level, I am in some kind of process, inner process, I know it is out of reach or my day time awarence and I do only get to see milli sec hint´s.....Is it why my strenght, focus or what ever I am not able to raise energy level enough??


Robert Bruce
12th September 2012, 01:02 AM
Energy work can help with raised vitality, but you also need to look after your body with healthy diet and exercise, supplements, etc


12th September 2012, 01:09 AM
Thank you Mr Robert for the answere, I am exercising with light weight´s, doing yoga, strecthing, taking long walk´s and bicycling. Eating very healthy with supplements, but the stress leavel is still high. I have lived in many years or my whole life under very hight stress level, now it is getting better but I can still notice me not bean able to eleminate my inner stress, and it is like a iron wall to this stress, it is like it is in a iron cocoon. How to melt down that one??...My intuition sais to me...go slow...give it time...dropp the worry....

Is this fear or what, or is collected stress like dynamite...highly explosive and there fore handled with care??

Robert Bruce
13th September 2012, 01:46 AM
Stress and anxiety can drain you of vitality.

You might like to consider taking the herb 'St. John's Wort' which is available in any good health store. This is the equivalent of taking 'Valium' but with no side effects. It takes 3 to 4 weeks for the level of herb to build up in your blood to get the full effect, just like Valium does. The only proviso here is to make sure you consult your doctor first if you are taking other meds for anxiety and stress, as this herb can conflict with some meds.


13th September 2012, 04:59 AM
Thank you for your answere to "Is there any explanation"...I do not eat anziety meds...I have meds for high blood pressure and thyrodea gland hormone meds because they by surgery did take away my thyrodea gland totally and then I eat Calsium with D vitamin because I have difficulties to absorbe calsium so I have to take the supplement also even eating extra youghurt and cheese.

Maybe stress is anziety in disguice even I do not feel anziety, what I feel is that I am not as quick in my doings as I was when younger and I have not or my system has not understood yet and I have to re-program it...to go slow...I am trying to be as fast as when I was younger and this makes me when I try do things fast I get so drained so I have to go and rest in bed....everyone can see this to happen ...my braine shuts down and I sludder when talk...and I do not find words to express me with...everyone can see this happen to me...so if this is anziety then I will eat St Johns worth absolutely.
