View Full Version : Touching someone during real time projection?

5th September 2012, 12:57 PM
Hi Robert

Is it possible to touch someone (someone who is awake) while you are projecting into real time - or rather is it possible for them to feel your touch? If the projected double is an energy body, then surely with enough willpower on the projectors part, she/he should be able to exert enough pressure for a touch to be felt?


Robert Bruce
6th September 2012, 01:48 AM
Yes, this is possible. A Real Time projector can produce body parts, like a hand, from an ectoplasm type substance, and use this to touch people.

I cannot describe exactly how this is done, but I know it happens. I have experienced this myself on many occasions.


6th September 2012, 07:37 AM
Thanks Robert. What is your opinion about the Physical mediums who apparentely produced ectoplasm, for the use of spirits to manifest a body? Do you believe these were just hoaxes, or something similar to the Real Time projectors ability to produce an ectoplasm like substance for manifestation of body parts?

Robert Bruce
12th September 2012, 12:57 AM
Ectoplasm is very real, albeit rare. And a rare type of physical medium can produce ectoplasm that can be used to shroud spirits to make them visible. I have seen and experienced this myself.

While I am sure there have been fake mediums, there are also real ones.


12th September 2012, 08:50 AM
Thanks Robert.

12th September 2012, 09:03 AM
Thanks Robert.

I have always believed that there were genuine mediums, but was a bit skeptical about certain types of mediums like the physical mediums. But as you told me you have seen and experienced this yourself. I hope to as well oneday.

I believe that my mediumship abilities are for some reason starting to come out. I can on rare occasion hear people/spirits talking to me or each other, I can feel them at times if they come very close to me too. And of late I keep seeing someone out the corner of my eye in my house, all I know is that this spirit has dark hair and is male. Its more of an impression then anything solid. I am hoping to see him when I achieve an obe.

Anyway thanks again, and thank you for such a great site.

12th September 2012, 11:26 AM
¡Hi, Tarryn!

If anyone can do something, ¿why not you too?

So, while you are out of body try with affirmations of the style "I'm able of to touch this/her/him/..."


My best regards,

12th September 2012, 12:00 PM
Thanks Angel

I will give that a try.