View Full Version : Energy Cloud

31st August 2012, 07:12 PM
The other day, I saw in my mind's eye a smallish energy cloud, it was dark(kinda like those black orbs) but lighter than that, I watched it float from my living room(where I first noticed it) and make it way toward me. I did notice it was non-sentient, and was curious to what effect this cloud would have on me, so I stood there, let it pass through me,(It tingled, and felt similar to the energy balls or much smaller energy clouds I work with) continue on through the house and leave. It was interesting to say the least.

I noticed I felt depressed "for no reason." I'm wondering rather than passively experience these energy clouds, would there be a way for me to transform it? From say a cloud of doom, to one of love?

31st August 2012, 08:58 PM
Hi Zecora.
I suspect that the only way to affect it would be to 'send' love to it, or to imagine a pillar of light and send it to it. Other than that, I would suggest shielding.
If I were to guess what it was, judging by the effect it had on you; I'd guess it was a shade of someone deceased, (not the self aware ghost, but the non sentient part of it (according to a theory, anyway).

1st September 2012, 02:32 PM
Thanks, will do! Well hopefully the next person it hits will feel happy for no reason.

So is this shade of someone deceased like an energy reminent? Sorry, I'm unfamiliar with this theory.

1st September 2012, 04:54 PM
Well, there's a theory (based on older belief systems, including OT and other faiths) that our souls are binary (like our brains) that upon death, there is a part that consists of the memories and emotions (but no sentience) of the departed (which the author calls 'soul') and the life force (which would be the 'spirit') and is sentient but has no memories, which goes on to reincarnate. So if this is so, the part that you encountered was a 'soul' and you experienced it's affect. It's just a theory but it explains hauntings and the ideas that most religions have (combined) in a coherent way (IMO).