View Full Version : Tensing during trance-- an insight

31st August 2012, 03:59 PM
I've run across a number of threads where folks have had trouble with their muscles tensing up while in trance. I had this happen on rare occasion during light trance (usually the muscles in my face) but I was always able to deal with the situation by engaging in a brief but vivid daydream, which directed attention away from the tensed area. Otherwise I had little experience in this area.

However, the other day, I had problems with my leg muscles tensing during a deeper trance. I played around a little bit and I think I may know why this happens.

The reason for muscle tensing in trance can be explained by the acronym "WTHAML." Which stands for, "where the heck are my legs." In deep relaxation, it feels as though your limbs are numb, or even that they are no longer there. The instinctual response, I think, is to tense up, to ensure that they are still attached.

The best way to deal with this in my case was to wiggle the tensed limb just a tiny bit to wake it up, and then gently sink back into the pattern of relaxation.

I also had problems with a muscle *feeling* as though it was tensed, when in reality it was quite relaxed. The same technique for relaxing tensed muscles that I mentioned above is good for this as well.

Just my 2 cents.

31st August 2012, 09:57 PM
That's funny. Just today I was meditating- I had a pretty hectic and busy morning, and decided to take an hour long meditation- I had exactly that time as I had timed it to an hour before my son comes home from school- so I know it took me exactly that long to get to the stage where you start to have visions.
When I started, I was extremely tense and had a lot on my mind, and decided to do something I confess I haven't done in a long time (although I always recommend it, I don't hardly have time) which is progressive muscle relaxation.
As I started doing it, I was remembering how I learned to do it- a doctor taught me how to do it and explained to me why you do it-it has to do with the places in the brain which all the parts are, and progressively relaxing them (that is, in the right order). One of the things this type of exercise does is put awareness on all your parts, and as you relax them you are also telling your brain where everything is at the same time.
Another thing that I do in the beginning of the trance is to do energy work, in my case sponging. This also helps me to relax while continuing to have body awareness. I find this to be very relaxing also, and your post makes me think that another benefit of it is also the 'knowing where all my parts are', so that when you get to the part where you want to dissociate from your body, you don't need to tense up, because your mind already has gotten feedback from your limbs as to where they are, and can continue with the process of dislocating.
BTW, I had a very nice session, not long enough to project out of body, but long enough to have a nice floaty feeling and a conversation with a man with a beard for a few seconds before my son came in the door.

1st September 2012, 09:57 AM
Dreaming90, I'v had all of what you say and your tips for dealing with them are welcome. I will try what you suggest here. I'v even had them exactly when you say you'v had them so there is something to this. The one where your muscles aren't tensed up and you only think so is the worst because then it gets to you, like you want to deal with it and then it takes over your thoughts. Annoying to say the least :)