View Full Version : Another imminent projection sign ?

29th August 2012, 11:34 PM
Hi Group,

I usually wait for the vibrations to occur. Last night a signal, that is new to me, occurred. I can't really explain it, but here goes: The air and sounds in the room began to Wow and Flutter, but in a vibrational manner; the room became freezing even though it was 76 degrees. A lucid type OBE happened during the Wowing.


30th August 2012, 11:25 AM
What happens prior to OBE or AP varies immensely. There is no standard indicator. Vibrations, tingling, buzzing, hissing, sounds in the background, etc...the list goes on. Some have no "symptoms" at all and just project almost at will.

What happened to you sounds quite feasible. When projecting, the heart often slows down as the result of being in a trance, so lowering of blood pressure/temperature could make you feel cold. I often when cover myself with a blanket when projecting.

"Just my five cents," as I believe the Americans say!

1st September 2012, 01:06 AM
I Realize that. I just wish I would have reconized it earlier. It would have given me more time to explore. I've been hearing more and more Astral noises and been seeing many, many indigo auras and hues. I hope that means my awareness is increasing.

1st September 2012, 01:07 AM
My favorite sign is the vibrations. Lately, I've been phasing. What I call phasing, anyway.