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18th May 2006, 06:21 PM
I have been working with the new method for about a month .I've noticed the sensations I had originally have dropped off considerably not sure if this is normal .Also working the hip area I've had litttle or no sensations right from the beginning

18th May 2006, 07:18 PM
When you get sensations in one part of your body, you can shift those sensations slowly to areas that are less responsive. Just focus on somewhere with a very good response that is close to the area that is unresponsive and then start moving your attention in small steps on a path to the unresponsive area. At each step let the sensations move completely before taking the next step.

Energy work is a bit cyclic, especially at first while you are doing so much clearing blockages and training areas to respond to your attention. The periods when you do not feel much are also periods with a lot of activity, but it is more preparation. It will result in a later period of time with more activity than before. Then you might go through another period of time that is more preparation and it will feel like not much is going on. These are actually more important times than when it feels like things are rushing along.

18th May 2006, 11:07 PM
Anti-drug groups use an elevator analogy to illustrate heroin addiction... The first time, it's like you take an elevator that takes you up to the 100th floor in 3 seconds, and no matter what, you'll never have this experience again... You'll go up to the 99th floor, then to the 95th, and the reason people overdose is because of this quest for the 100th floor -- they keep taking more until they burn their wings and overdose.

I like the elevator analogy, it's just too bad that it was originally drug-related, because it can be applied to so many things... With energy work, one day you'll feel that you've gone up to the 30th floor, then for about a week, you're just stuck at the lobby and start wondering what you're doing wrong... Then at some point you shoot directly up to the 50th floor, and then you're stuck on earth again.

What Tom said really speaks to me, it's true that energy work isn't only manipulating energy, there's this whole discipline and introspection going on when you're not practicing which ultimately is beneficial to energy work as a whole, even if it seems you are not progressing. Leading a healthy life and going through a righteous path is not just religious nonsense or superstition.

It's truly a great challenge of patience... Everyone wonders "how long until I can do this?" or "when should I start feeling this kind of sensation?"

When they receive the answer "it really depends on the person," it may not be a satisfactory answer, but it's true -- the great power we develop by strengthening our energy body comes with great wisdom and patience.

As always, if you feel that you've hit a wall, go back to the basics, clean up that root chakra, load it up with energy, and never rush things ; it will pay off eventually.

19th May 2006, 03:39 PM
Thanx for the help kiwibonga and Tom

19th May 2006, 05:41 PM
Keep working on those areas that seem unresponsive such as your hip. Over time, you might find that areas you thought were fine were actually harboring blocked areas (such as stomach, head, etc.). As always, pay close attention to how you feel. We all know how important energy flow is for the physical body. So, if you don't feel the energy flowing in an area.... then it really is worth investigating and attending to.
