View Full Version : Peeing (hope this pisses no one off ;-) )

25th August 2012, 05:22 PM
Folks, how often are you urinating in dreams? Not physically in your sleep, which for sure would not be pleasant in the aftermath. No, seriously, I mean: your astral or dream-self.

Of course there is still the very 'natural' explanation that maybe your physical bladder is full, and you just do this as a kind of 'proxy'. However, I cannot attest to this at all from my memory. So there must be more to it.

I've been doing this quite often recently and wonder what it means. But there's more to the pattern:

I don't do it 'public' but I am in a normal bathroom, urinating male style (waves sheepishly to all feminists out there) into the toilet.
First, after a few seconds I am then always joined by a kind of guide or friendly person who enters the bathroom and starts talking to me or wants sth of me. At one time it also was a deceased aunt of mine (she symbolises also illness for me as she was very ill, so she might be a reference to my healer path). I never remember what they tell me though.
Second, in some cases the toilet bowl starts to overspill, it does not get better when I try to flush it.

Checking on Dreammoods (http://dreammoods.com/cgibin/dreamdictionarysearch.pl?method=exact&header=dreamsymbol&search=urination), this is what makes sense most to me:

"To dream that you are urinating symbolizes a cleansing and a release of negative or repressed emotions."

I must say though that in theses scenes I do not have any negative emotions or have been through sth negative before that. (In my aunt's case - a dream I had tonight - I was given some sports shoes by a teacher, first they were too big but then they fit me and I could walk in them, which is for me a good sign too, and after that I walked (with the shoes) into the bathroom for a tinkle).

Maybe the spilling over does indicate that I am overdoing the 'releasing'? Does the guide help me in releasing or warn me not to overdo it then?

So, again, any other dream-urinators out there and what's your take on this delicate issue?

25th August 2012, 05:38 PM
I have urination dreams with surprising regularity. Often in those dreams, I'll need to pee and try to find a toilet to use, only to find that the only ones available are blocked, or unusable, or really gross and dirty, etc. It's quite an unpleasant dream.

For me, the urination dream is about "release" or "relief". When you need to pee, you're "holding it it". It depends on the circumstances of my life, but generally it has to do with feeling overwhelmed or, rather obviously, in need of some kind of relief. The dreams where the toilets are blocked or unusable just tell me that I feel unable to find release for whatever it is that's bothering me.

(Off topic, but I was reminded by something you wrote: The only male thing I admire is the peeing standing up thing. Everything else you can keep, but, gosh, it would be very convenient to be able to pee that way, I think. Maybe next life I'll come back as a boy, to find out.... :P)

25th August 2012, 06:40 PM
I remember going through a stage in which I urinated in my dreams quite frequently, and then it stopped. I never related it to anything in particular, but I imagine it could have been at a time when I needed to purge a lot of emotional stuff- I'll have to take a look at my journal and see if there is that correlation. So thanks for bringing it up.

Just curious, why would feminists be bothered with the fact that you pee standing up?

25th August 2012, 08:19 PM
Just curious, why would feminists be bothered with the fact that you pee standing up?
'twas a joke.

Btw, it's maybe a typical European issue, here you see these signs quite often in public toilets, especially if they have no urinals. Don't know if it's like that elsewhere in the world.

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRFx7lD6wtFz1yuZaQLoeBDFhi4ZU2Cs LReWcWyDMBJ5JzMjn55QamgJg

ps: Of course, the valid argument is hygiene and cleanliness - not with me of course, I have an excellent hit ratio, I can assure you.

25th August 2012, 09:09 PM
I see. Afaik, we don't have those kinds of problems over here- unless you don't count my 15 year old son's bathroom. :mad:

25th August 2012, 11:51 PM
When I was very little, I wet the bed because I OBE'ed to the toilet and attempted to pee. I didn't realize I was out of body. Skip Atwater had a similar problem when he was little. :oops:

I've been having bathroom dreams though. Usually I'm standing on top of the toilet with the stall door cracked to make it look empty, as some sort of monster or man with a gun lurks outside trying to kill me. Always joyous dreams...

26th August 2012, 04:51 AM
When I was very little, I wet the bed because I OBE'ed to the toilet and attempted to pee. I didn't realize I was out of body.
I did something like that, too. I don't think I was out of body, but I had many occasions when I was dreaming I was at a toilet, and my physical body responded by letting go. Once, when I was sick with some sort of intestinal complaint, I did a poo in an open drawer (I swear, I thought I was on a toilet, I was dreaming it very vividly). Boy did I get in trouble for that...

28th August 2012, 09:18 AM
Peeing normally signifies an emotional release in a dream. It doesn't matter if you had any emotional upset preceding it, the process does not stop with surface upsets, but then proceeds to clear deeper issues from your energy bodies. If you have more of these dreams in a row they might signify a necessary cleansing preceding the next phase in your enery body development, like for example as a prerequisite for accessing a certain state of consciousness.

The act of peeing itself signifies both the breakdown of material that is being processed and then its being flushed out. In "Menus for Impulsive Living" Charles identified the importance of peeing for physically changing states of consciousness. The body is a whole, and changes in the body chemistry require releases at times. In a sense you're also flushing the glandular results of what you felt and thought to clean the slate for different thoughts, reactions and emotions. The same image is therefore a natural way to express the same in dreams.

28th August 2012, 09:48 AM
I did it again, btw. :-)

This time it was shortly before waking up. So maybe it was also my physical bladder causing it. Or my HS wanted to wake me up to remember this important dream.

Anyway, I also go for the 'cleansing' interpretation as it makes a lot of sense to me.

29th August 2012, 06:06 AM
Hahaha! I also have these dreams, & often face the most complicated toilet arragements, complete with a library (from which I attempted to braodcast, in one dream!), coffee machine, commentators, & aliens watching to "see how it's done"!!

29th August 2012, 02:02 PM
Once I went to a bathroom in the middle of a public locker room, and in a bathroom in the middle of a public dorm. Torture! :oops:

29th August 2012, 11:30 PM
Once I went to a bathroom in the middle of a public locker room, and in a bathroom in the middle of a public dorm. Torture! :oops:
In the physical world or in dream world? :D

I once used the women's restroom by accident (in the physical) but didn't realize it until I walked out and there were like five women waiting in line. I got some interesting looks.

30th August 2012, 02:08 AM
In the physical world or in dream world? :D

30th August 2012, 08:16 AM
i have the sort of dreams that i reckon go germane here
ages ago when DC was very young he dreamt a few times that the toilet water in the commode as it would swirl before draining would carry various herbal tid bits , like say you know petals , potpourri , & small pieces of what looked like patchouli and very verdant green leaves.
After that if i ever went out for a walk or palyed with the dogs i would take odd nicks and bits of the graden-growing flowers , odd shaped leaves or fragrant foliage and stuff them into my shorts , and after getting into the house undetected would put them on the sink "for later use" and before taking a go would toss a few of the things from my assorted collection into the bowl before flushing.
This because short-lived ritual infact.

My mom find out what was going and I got my ear twisted and was given a huge lecture about respecting plumbing and using air-freshner instead of improvising things on my own :nono: .

30th August 2012, 12:22 PM
That made me laugh. What if you'd caused a clog? I can see the flowers coming up and your mother's confused expression. Awesome.

30th August 2012, 03:18 PM
Now you see , my mother to this day is a woman avidly interested in ikebana , although she no longer holds club several of her students have won acclaim.
When by brother told her that during play time i disappear every now then on my own into the garden for flower picking , she started giving me small ornamentation and flowers left over from her own class.
After a week or so she gave me a vase and told to house my arrangements in one place (since she never saw them)
I just picked it up casually and said "No thank you I don't need this".
The penny still didnt drop till i actually very causally brought up on dinner one day that twigs tend to float and not go down easy.
I still remember my mothers audible "gasp" and my brother laughing so hard he had to step out.

My bathroom was then examined and the cache of flowers confiscated.

I remember i was given a handfull phenyl balls and two packets of air-freshner to make it a fair exchange :-).

6th January 2013, 06:13 PM
This thread is old, but.....I don't usually have pee dreams, but I do have poo dreams sometimes. The most memorable was repeated poo dreams, that I realized were telling me I had an intestinal infection that seriously needed attention (fixing the infection stopped the dreams.) But some of my dreams are incredibly non-symbolic, giving me specific information usually having to do with health. My occasional pee dreams so far have had to do with having a full bladder, but my OBE at TMI's Gateway also consisted of heading for the bathroom when I needed to pee, so good things can come of a full bladder!

6th January 2013, 07:36 PM
Wow, I've been delinquent. How did I miss such a terrific thread?

Of course I am totally disinclined to share my potty dreams, I figure sharing my OBE encounter with the blue horse woman that had a dozen "entrances" was plenty far enough.
