View Full Version : Telekinesis & Telepathy

25th August 2012, 05:09 PM
Good morning Robert, my username is Franko and I was wondering how can I learn telekinesis and telepathy with the NEW method? I am in the Mobile Body Awareness part (still having troubles moving it across the body) so I wanted to know if you could me.
Have a nice day,

Robert Bruce
29th August 2012, 11:55 AM
Learn concentration. There is a book called 'concentration' you may be able to search and download.

Learn spoon bending.

apply body awareness energy work to everything.

It is your core beliefs that hold you back. These can only be changed a little at a time.

See my article 'The Catch Basket Concept'

You'll find it on this page http://astraldynamics.com/home/teachingsrealizations.html
