View Full Version : Energy Work & Creative Visualization

25th August 2012, 03:32 AM
Hi Robert,

I need a bit of clarification. Does energy work aid or enhance your creative visualization skills?

If it does, can you shed a bit of light on how this process occurs?

Thank you.

Robert Bruce
29th August 2012, 11:44 AM
Energy work helps creative visualization in that it applies some body awareness intention focus to visualized images. This increases the energy in a visualization and makes it more real, more solid, more effective.

Energy work also stimulates the chakras, including the third eye, which also helps.

My system of energy work is body awareness tactile imaging, which is non visual. But the system progresses to include visualizations (imaginations) in order to impart 'qualities' to body awareness actions, including elemental properties.


13th September 2012, 04:11 PM
Thank you Robert.