View Full Version : Crying in a dream

23rd August 2012, 07:23 AM
Today I had a dream about visiting a part of my familie who live in another country and when I arrived at their home place I was tired and lay down on a bed that they said I could sleep on. Then for some reason I said "Pleiadian" or "Pleiadians"(not sure which one I said) while laying on the bed and I started to cry so much. I didn't want my aunt to come into the room and see me crying so I shed my tears and I tried to stop the crying. However, I was still very curious so I decided to repeat the same word and ended up crying once again but with more intensity. Then my aunt came into the room and she was worried. I woke up after that and tried to see if it would work again while I'm awake. Nothing happened.

For the past few months I have been paying close attention to my dreams and interpret their meaning and for some of them I knew immediately what they mean(those dreams only occur when I wake up at almost exactly 3 am).

This dream however, I can't decipher it and when I look up the meaning of crying in a dream I get different anwsers. I'm aware that Pleiadians are said to be a race of some kind and some people say that they are "good" beings while others say that they are "bad" beings. I don't have any connections with E.T's at all so I don't understand this dream.

Any suggestions with what I can associate this with?

Neil Templar
23rd August 2012, 03:56 PM
Crying is usually a release of some kind of (emotional) energy. Or another way to look at it is, it allows an energy to flow. Tears are water after all, and water flows...

That the word Pleiadeans triggered a flow of emotional energy, would suggest that you possibly do have a connection with this race.

How did you feel when you were crying? Tears of joy?
You said "a dream about visiting a part of my familie who live in another country"
If you have a connection with the Pleiadeans, then they would indeed be a part of your family, from another place.
Just not the family, or place you would normally think of...

I have a connection with "ETs" from Sirius, and recently had a very similar experience of crying like this when i made contact with a Father-figure....

24th August 2012, 10:02 AM
I'm absolutely certain that I didn't feel any fear or anger. I'm not really sure how I really felt at that moment but I think that I was crying because I lost someone very important to me or I missed something or someone, I'm honestly not sure but I had a feeling of sadness.

What you said is very interesting and before I made this topic I didn't look at it this way, so thanks for sharing your thoughts with me.

What kind of connection do you have with the ETs from Sirius if I may ask? Are they helping you in any way?


Neil Templar
24th August 2012, 04:47 PM
What kind of connection do you have with the ETs from Sirius if I may ask? Are they helping you in any way?

Yes. There is a being who has been a guide of mine for many years. He showed me a past life in which he and i were Brothers.
I have also had experiences on a ship, where i met others, including the Father figure i mentioned.
Most of this happens when i'm out of body or in the dreamstate, but i've also seen a ship while fully awake, at least once recently, and i think possibly another time, a long time ago.