View Full Version : Time and Astral/Death

17th August 2012, 03:15 AM
I was recently thinking about the concept of time and then thought about time in the astral, specifically after death. How does time pass in the astral realm after your death? You can feel the flow of time here with hours on the clock passing and soon years passing by, but how does it feel to live in the astral? Can the mind stand to be "awake" for basically an eternity?

Robert Bruce
29th August 2012, 11:41 AM
There is almost no sense of time passing in the astral. A hundred years can feel like a day. Time stretches.

There is precedence relating to time's flexibility if you study physics and Einstein's Relativity, and Special Relativity, theories, if you want something to relate to concerning time.


30th August 2012, 10:59 AM
Dear Sir...

This remembers some old sayings like: "For God, a thousand years are like the blink of an eye"
My best regards,