View Full Version : Alcohol and clairvoyance

12th August 2012, 08:52 PM
One time I was drunk and I saw floating visions in the dark.

You have also mentioned a relationship between alcohol and clairvoyance in the past.

Why does alcohol have the possibility of turning on clairvoyance?

Robert Bruce
29th August 2012, 11:33 AM
Alcohol, and some other drugs, relax you deeply and bring on something like the mind awake + body asleep state, and increased chakra activity, sometimes causing energy sight and clairvoyance.

Being overtired can have the same effect.

Try skipping a night's sleep and you'll see what I mean, if you meditate, etc.


Robert Bruce
4th September 2012, 08:00 AM
One of the best times for astral projection, or for clairvoyance, is when you have a mild hangover. My publishers would not let me put that in my books...lol.
