View Full Version : Hypnagogic vs clairvoyance/remote viewing and methods

12th August 2012, 05:19 PM
Hi, it's been literally years i got confused about this and i need a definitive aswer by someone very expert on these things, i have done this question in similar foruns, the problem is that everybody seems to have a different opinion, and that only confuses me even more.

I was always able to see images, hear sounds and even "feel" things (tactile hallucinations) in those moments in which we are trying to sleep or when i try meditation, it appears this is called hypnagogic imagery/image streaming, but when i compare descriptions of that with descriptions of remote viewing/clairvoyance, it's VERY VERY similar. Also SOMETIMES, quite rarely i am actually able to manipulate the images/sounds in realtime, this while awake, even tough everytime i try remote viewing tests (in other sessions in other days), i just keep getting completly random color visual "scenes" in my mind (mini-movies) completly unrelated to the target i wanted to see, just like in hypnagogic imagery. It's like somehow my mental affirmations to try to connect to the target have no effect, i am just unable to "connect" to the actual ESP, and it's like i am dreaming without any control, this of course makes me frustated and making me think i am just "getting asleep", making no progress in pratice, and that i am wasting my time practising this since it's just my body and mind trying to fall sleep and that it's not possible to actually make use of this with ESP, this is being a massive mental block in my pratice of this because of all these doubts, that's why it's so rare to pratice this, all those doubts makes me so unmotivated for this.

Can you tell me if when someone starts practising remoteviewing/clairvoyance it starts like this, like apparently completly random/uncontrolled small dream pieces, and that with constant practise (even if i try the EXACT same technique all the times) it will slowly start to get controlled and react to the affirmations we do without seeming anymore like normal falling asleep? Strangely i never read anything like this anywhere else, i have no idea how the "scale of progress" is like in developing habilities like this, i just know that it usually takes a LOOOOOONG time but thats all. Wait i think i remember very long time ago i read somewhere that usually psychic abilities after a few months of pratice suddently have very good results, and then then they stop having results and slowly over time the results start improving, i can't remember well but it was something like this, if you have a more exact idea about that tell me, because it's quite hard to pratice "blindly" for months something we don't even know if it's being done correctly.

The current technique i use is, first i get relaxed and do a bit of meditation, then i say in my mind something like this "i am seeing target XX" or i just visualize those words "flying" into my third eye, you know, visualizations like that, i do that for about 5-10 times during a minute, and then i "shut up" and wait. Usually i start having hypnagogic imagery a few minutes later, almost always completly unrelated to what i wanted to see, i need to know if there a way to be sure if this IS actually contributing for the medium/long term practise of the hability, or it's just my body and mind trying to fall asleep and therefore a huge wasting of time...

Robert Bruce
29th August 2012, 11:30 AM
I am familiar with your scenario.

It would help if you read 'Astral Dynamics' 2nd edition, and my book, Energy Work.

You are experiencing the training phase of minds eye vision development.

What you are supposed to do is to briefly describe each image or scenario you see. This sets up a vision interpretation protocol between you and your higher aspects. EG, you see a brown dog and say mentally or aloud 'I see a brown dog' or just 'a brown dog' if the images are coming fast.

Control will come later. Test this out now and then by making commands like 'I see a pink pyramid' or 'I see an ostrich' or whatever. This should build in your mind visually, so you actually see it forming.

Once you start describing the images, they should increase in frequency and you will get what I call 'the vision stream' in which you will see hundreds of images a second apart or so. Give it a year or so and this will end and you will then find you have more control over your minds eye imagery. Then life gets more interesting in this respect.

Remember to do regular affirmations like 'I am clairvoyant' and 'I see energy' and etc...whatever you desire to develop by way of psychic abilities. This clarifies your intention to your higher self.
