View Full Version : Bardon, PME & Astral Dynamics - Confusion & Clarification

10th August 2012, 03:34 PM
Good day,

I have seen a lot of posts in regards to Bardon's work with relation to Bruce's Astral Dynamics. Here's the thing, I'm confused :whatthe:.

Does Bruce's Astral Mastery course covers or is parallel to what Bardon teaches in IIH? What about PME & KTQ? Is it possible to learn all of these through personal experience during astral projection?

Can we say that Bruce's work is an "updated" version of IIH :lol:? The reason why I'm asking is that, I do not want to exclude any important steps in increasing my spiritual level.

When you have finally reached the Astral Plane, is that where you begin to learn evocation? I don't understand :shock:. What comes first? Astral Mastery and then evocation? What allows you to "satisfy" the requirements to move to higher levels or learn more advanced form of magick? Is it learning more on the Astral Plane from other masters etc? How does that integrate onto the physical plane?

I'm really considering taking the mastery course. Would I "miss" out on any exercises that may be detrimental to my spiritual development which was mentioned in IIH or the final goal(s)/purpose is/are still achieved within the mastery course.

In Bruce's evolution book, he spoke a bit on evocation. Where along the path does that integrate into the mastery course? I truly apologize for all of the questions. I simply want to focus on one thing at a time but of course not spend an entire lifetime running in circles:banghead:. I simply want to experience what everyone else I've been reading experiences - Going on different planes, raising energy levels, learning, helping the community etc.

I prefer you to be direct, blunt, and straight-forward with me. When I ask questions like these, it always seems like a *no its a secret* kind of way. Of course it will entail practice, that is a no brainer. Which practices that are effective are the problems that cause me to run in circles.

I thank you in advance.8)

Robert Bruce
11th August 2012, 06:03 AM
I do not teach 'initiation' level training at this stage. None of my programs cover this...but future programs and books will.

Initiate level training is too difficult for the average person, even though it is Hermetics 101.

I recommend that you learn my work, particularly the energy work and other exercises given in Astral Dynamics 2nd Edition, and my books 'Energy Work' and 'The Practical Psychic Self-Defense Handbook'. Then you will be in good shape to tackle Bardon's IIH. Note that the lessons in IIH must be completed 'before' one moves on to PME (practices of magical evocation) and his other works.

The APM course is also a good idea.

Astral projection is something that should be approached in the long term...a lifetime's work. This does not automatically give you access to private training and advice from masters. They will occasionally give advice. This also applies to initiates. The whole point of the initiate path is to learn by doing and to progressively 'remember' and 'download' information to help your progress. Most of the lessons you need to learn to achieve this are all around in you the physical world already.

I also recommend you read my 'Catch Basket Concept' article. This is key to spiritual evolution...in aligning your core belief system to actual reality and truth.

This article is on our new forum somewhere...I really need to tidy up the sections and categories here. Till then, a copy can be found on our old site, here http://astraldynamics.com/home/teachingsrealizations/179-catch-basket-concept.html (http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/teachingsrealizations/179-catch-basket-concept.html)


11th August 2012, 03:36 PM
Thanks Robert.

Which order do you suggest I go in?

1. Astral Dynamics
2. Energy Work
3. Psychic Self Defense
4. Initiation into Hermetics

Or should I follow a different order?

Thank you.

I do not teach 'initiation' level training at this stage. None of my programs cover this...but future programs and books will.

Initiate level training is to difficult for the average person, even though it is Hermetics 101.

I recommend that you learn my work, particularly the energy work and other exercises given in Astral Dynamics 2nd Edition, and my books 'Energy Work' and 'The Practical Psychic Self-Defense Handbook'. Then you will be in good shape to tackle Bardon's IIH. Note that the lessons in IIH must be completed 'before' one moves on to PME (practices of magical evocation) and his other works.

The APM course is also a good idea.

Astral projection is something that should be approached in the long term...a lifetime's work. This does not automatically give you access to private training and advice from masters. They will occasionally give advice. This also applies to initiates. The whole point of the initiate path is to learn by doing and to progressively 'remember' and 'download' information to help your progress. Most of the lessons you need to learn to achieve this are all around in you the physical world already.

I also recommend you read my 'Catch Basket Concept' article. This is key to spiritual evolution...in aligning your core belief system to actual reality and truth.

This article is on our new forum somewhere...I really need to tidy up the sections and categories here. Till then, a copy can be found on our old site, here http://astraldynamics.com/home/teachingsrealizations/179-catch-basket-concept.html (http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/teachingsrealizations/179-catch-basket-concept.html)


11th August 2012, 04:01 PM
I'm not Robert, but I think your order is pretty much on- similar to how I did it.

11th August 2012, 05:57 PM
Ok, thanks CFT.:-)

I'm not Robert, but I think your order is pretty much on- similar to how I did it.

12th August 2012, 03:30 PM
Hi CFT, one more question:

I noticed that Bruce has updated his Energy Work as well. I take it that I should buy the latest book?

12th August 2012, 05:57 PM
I guess it depends, I can't really tell you.

Robert Bruce
29th August 2012, 11:21 AM
No need to update Energy Work to the 2nd Edition. We only changed the cover, and I added several pages front and same back. The main content is the same.

The new cover, btw, doubled sales....which is why we did this. I loved the old cover, but it just did not work.
