View Full Version : Did I Meet Jesus?

10th August 2012, 11:43 AM

I just had an OBE about an hour ago. I woke up in a peaceful sleep paralysis without the ringing which is rare for me, it's usually accompanied by a lot of ringing. I moved my hand infront of my eyes but couldn't see it, which is normal so I decided to get up out of bed from my body. I was standing by my bed and my vision wasn't great and I was deciding what I wanted to do.

So I decided that I would try and meet Jesus, because I'm re-establishing my faith in Christ at the moment. So I intended to teleport towards Jesus and meet him, and all of a sudden I'm in front of an extremely powerful intensely bright light and electrical energy which feels like a million volts. It felt like it was going to blind me and tear me apart if I got to close because it was so powerful. It was so intense that my physical body was going into convulsions on my bed and so I either left immediately or was teleported elsewhere, I forget exactly which.

I've heard that when angels manifest physically, people usually are told not to look at them or else they will go blind or die because they're so intense. I feel it was something similar but with my etheric body.

Do you think I met Jesus? Have you experienced anything like this before?

Thank You

Robert Bruce
11th August 2012, 06:10 AM
It sounds like you had a Source light experience...

It does not appear to involve any particular personality, JC or otherwise.
