View Full Version : Small painful spots on the energy body, blockages or something more?

10th August 2012, 06:40 AM
Hello Mr Bruce!

First of all i'd like to thank you for changing my life with your books and wealth of free information. You have opened my eyes to the universe!

I have recently encountered small localized spots of pain all over my energy body. They all usually start to ache at the same time and only do so when i'm in a relaxed state, not necessarily in a trance but when sitting in the couch watching TV etc. Now I immediatly figured these were smaller blockages and worked on removing them, and sure enough they seem to first increase in pain when I move my awareness to it only to dissapear a bit later like they were dissolved. But new ones keep popping up and always in different places, even places where I normally run large amounts of energy like my feet and hands.

I'd estimate i've felt this pain in atleast 30 different spots in the past few days and it doesn't feel right to me that I would have that many blockages that suddenly pop up when I haven't had problems before (except for a large blockage in my left thigh that i'm still working on). I started thinking it might be some type of neg attack but the pain won't dissipate when I shield myself, wear my Q link and say affirmations.

Are these localized spots of pain anything you've come across in your journey and do you have any idea what they could be? Just feels to me like they don't fit the description of either blockage or neg attack.

Kind regards

Robert Bruce
11th August 2012, 06:16 AM
This does not sound or feel like any kind of neg related issue.

If you are fairly new to altered state (trance) work, this could be a physical issue. typically, the body is not used to being in the sleep state while you are still awake and sitting erect. The flesh 'hangs' on the skeleton differently with little muscular support. This can cause lots of odd painful areas.

Regardless, just keep doing what you are doing and these things should ease in time as your energy body evolves and your physical body adapts to the new demands placed upon it.
