View Full Version : projecting to secret govt. bases

5th August 2012, 04:38 PM
Would it be dangerous to project to places like Area 51, would they somehow know I'm there and trace me back to my physical body?

Robert Bruce
6th August 2012, 04:03 PM
I think this would likely be a risky project for the projector. ET types operate extensively in the real time astral zone, and they could easily follow a novice projector. I find it is best to mind my own business.


27th August 2012, 12:00 PM
Dear Sir...

Although is not my purpose to spy others, at RTZ several sites can strongly catch my interest and many of them could be unsuspected alien targets. ¿Do such sites have distinctive characteristics or signposts able to alert intruder of to not trespassing limits? ¿Are there visitor filtering protocols?

My best regards,

27th August 2012, 04:15 PM
sounds cool, but dangerous

i wouldn't take the risk

Robert Bruce
29th August 2012, 11:46 AM
I think it is okay to do this occasionally for personal interest, so long as you don't start trying to do anything with the information you glean.


29th August 2012, 02:01 PM
Dear Sir...

Aha..! I understand. Alien entities are able of to discern if researcher intentions are only personal spiritual growth interest related or prosecutes commercial (or militar) purposes linked to necessary public (or militar) diffusion of gathered information violating alien privacy and security.

So, as conclusion, ¿I'm allowed to research about alien base locations, technology and purposes, while I'll am (and for lifespan) strongly committed to avoid further public diffusion of information gathered and that intention shall be verified through mental scanning by alien entities? Of course, I'll must to avoid become an annoying visitor, too.

By the way, it's obvious that's the reason behind the fact you don't speak about things you have seen; as you has already declared in another forum thread.

My best regards,