View Full Version : Creating etheric energy work devices

15th July 2012, 10:35 PM
I've had a wierd pain in my leg for about 5 hours. So I starting moving energy through it and the pain went away. I'm trying to study some stuff though and splitting my attention isnt ideal so I thought why not create an etheric device to do it for me.

So I visualized a kind of water wheel shaped thing spinning with the blades going through my leg. I set the intetion for it to stay there and it has. There was still a slight niggling pain in a spot it was missing so I've made another device thats just moving a plate of light up and down my leg. I visualized an on/off switch and set them to on and connected them to the nearest wall socket so the energy wouldnt come from me.

They seem to be working. Pain has subsided.

I've made etheric devices before for a couple of other task but never thought of using them for energy work on myself. Just thought I'd mention it. With a bit of imagination you could make all sorts of devices.

15th July 2012, 11:31 PM
Very clever, going off 'earth' source. Great post, blis.